the theory that 23rd century "transwarp" is 24th century normal warp. (I seem to remember the TNG Technical Manual saying the deflector dish had some mechanical travel available, altho I know it's not considered canon), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DaystromInstitute community. The attempt failed and caused damage to the ship's power. This one does not reflect the fact that the navigational deflector's change in color, associated with the speed/power, is soley related to the "enterprise used in the original movie". I don't think so. More from soft canon: On the Constitution-class starships, the navigational deflector was a combined system with the ships' main duotronic sensors. The refit includes a secondary hull that contains a larger warp core and deflector dish, and suggests an evolution in design towards the Constitution-class starships of the original series. Navigational deflectors are not seen on a few Starfleet craft, such as the Miranda, Soyuz, and Constellation classes. Would that help move a comet out the way? Item #RMC-54 $3.00 John Goodson painted the restored dish & hinge with Model Master Copper, with just a small amount of Brass. These classes perform the same functions by use of bow-mounted tractor emitters and low-power use of the deflector grid. Star Trek: Hot Wheels USS Enterprise and USS Reliant by Mattel I’ve always been a fan of the starship designs in the various Star Trek series, but the original films were always my favorites. Specifications: 1:1000 scale; 9″ long; USS … For anyone who doesn't know Reliant is the Starfleet ship Khan steals in Star Trek II to take on Krik and the Enterprise. Communication relays are shown to be there too. For low sub-light speeds, it's essentially charged but not fully active, and glows a dull orange. It seems like an afterthought to try and give Reliant a navigational deflector when someone noticed that the designers forgot to include one. Perhaps they used a phased array with multiple emitters instead of the single dish? The schematics for the Reliant don't show a deflector dish anywhere (including the superstructure on top, which it shows as being tactical), but it does show a number of shield generators and emitter arrays all around the ship. We may assume that the shields and warp field disperse small particles, while the Bussard collector can cut through this field combination to collect stray hydrogen. . There are four main types of Deflector Dishes, each of which boosts different skills, as shown below. In 2285, the Reliant was commanded by Captain Terrell. The glowy bits (the blue stuff) are sensors or emitters which allow for more powerful than normal bursts - Voyagers for example emit omni-directional radio bursts. In fact, shields are never even mentioned at any time in the movie. Some ships integrate this stuff (Constitution refit, Nebula, Galaxy, Defiant, Intrepid etc) and some don't (Miranda, Oberth, Constitution Original, any/all Shuttles / Runabouts, Borg Cubes (so it's not a size issue), most / All Klingon and Romulan ships, most Dominion... Cardassian? The deflector dish would burn out following the energy beam discharge, requiring extensive repairs, possibly replacement of the deflector altogether. This proved to be a potential hazard as particle weapons fire hitting the deflector could destroy much of the ship. These designs opt to conserve space and power by using systems which are already necessary in any warp-capable ship design to approximate the navigational deflector. ... and would also be a nice 'replacement' seeing as the Reliant has no deflector dish. Yes. (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona"), Ordinarily, Federation starships were equipped with a single external deflector dish. (Star Trek: First Contact). ", In an internal production document they entitled the Star Trek: Voyager Technical Guide Version 1.0 (p. 22), Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda emphasized that the vessel's "DEFENSIVE SHIELDS" were "distinctly different from the NAVIGATIONAL DEFLECTOR.". The reason we see so many deflector dishes on Starfleet ships is because Starfleet values deep space exploration and multi-mission ships a lot more than other fleets. If not a force field, it may be a magnetic field which deflects cosmic dust or small meteoroids via an opposite charge. One would expect if the pre-refit ship was so, the post-refit ship would also be so. It performed its primary function by emitting low-power deflector shields to deflect microscopic particles and higher-powered deflector beams and/or tractor beams to deflect larger objects. Although it may or may not be used for other systems like the forward sensor array, the Enterprise-D "dish" in the front of the engineering hull is clearly intended to be the main deflector dish. The USS Enterprise-C will go down in history as one of the most famous Ambassador-class starships. The deflector dish is a shield emitter, not an active part of establishing a warp field for Starfleet vessels, so it has no effect on speed. as well as Federation shuttlecraft - manage to fly around at warp without visible, glowing deflector dishes, so it clearly isn't a necessary item. 1:537 1/537 scale Starship parts - Here is a selection of resin products for a variety of starships and Sci-Fi Models. This modern version of the classic Miranda Class starship has been outfitted for high maneuverability, without sacrificing much in the way of the defensive and utility capabilities typically associated with Cruiser type vessels. In 2374, the Class 2 shuttle Cochrane fired a polaron pulse from its main deflector in an attempt to shore up the confinement field for the quantum singularity of the relay station that temporarily connected USS Voyager to the Alpha Quadrant. It had no glowy bits. Per the TNG Technical Manual, the sensors are necessary to detect the particles the deflector must affect. Star Trek USS RELIANT reboot JJ Abram's revell amt ertl 1/500 Saturday, July 18, 2015. (Star Trek Generations), The USS Enterprise-D fires its deflector dish as a weapon, The deflector dish fires five beams of light, The deflector on the USS Enterprise-E after being damaged by the Borg, The USS Voyager emits a resonant graviton beam, Voyager emits an anti-tachyon pulse to seal a temporal rift, The conceptual origins of the navigational deflector, in common with those of several other key Star Trek devices including shields, phasers, and tractor beams, can be traced to notes compiled by Gene Roddenberry through "discussion with various scientists" while writing the first pilot in 1964, and subsequently circulated among production staff, as reproduced in Roddenberry and Stephen E. Whitfield's The Making of Star Trek (p. 86): "Some kind of 'meteoroid shield' or 'meteoroid force field deflector' will be necessary in true spaceships. Star Trek USS RELIANT reboot JJ Abram's revell amt ertl 1/500 Thursday, October 31, 2013. As you noted, a navigational deflector is required in warp-capable starships to "keep the bugs off the windshield", but it doesn't necessarily have to be a grand schnozzola . By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In 2344, the Enterprise fought four Romulan warbirds at Narendra III, a Klingon colony. This vessel comes with the Reliant-class costume, and it enables a discount when purchasing its fleet variant. It apparently is hidden under an EM-transparent panel on the nose of the shuttlecraft. Modifications had to be made, however, to prevent the pulse from rupturing EPS conduits throughout the ship. However, according to Ex Astris Scientia, TNG-era senior production illustrator Rick Sternbach speculated that a number of systems work in tandem to generate the repulsive force typically generated by the navigational deflector on ships which lack one: In Star Trek: The Magazine (January 2003), Rick Sternbach suggests that the deflector grid, Bussard collector fields, tractor emitter and asymmetrical warp fields are working together to protect the hull on the Constellation. That is exactly what it does. CHEKOV - TOS Bridge Crew ... CVN-65 USS Enterprise Beehive $ 65.33 by Digital Sprue. The Enterprise does have some greyish blue near the deflector dish and where the nacelle struts enter the primary hull. Reliant? (TNG: "Datalore" computer screen; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations" computer screen), A deflector's energy could be extended outward to protect other ships. One example of this was the Intrepid-class, which had its main deflector located between the extreme forwards of Decks 10 through 13, while the secondary deflector was located on the extreme forward of Deck 6. USS Reliant Concept and Pike’s USS Enterprise Another two bonus editions with no more confirmed as The Official Starships Collection nears its end. It could be mounted on the saucer edge, maybe even between the windows and would blend in with the rest of the hull. If so, "Navigational Deflector" is listed as one of the components. Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, Star Trek Sketchbook: The Original Series, Star Trek: Voyager Technical Guide Version 1.0,, Navigational deflectors could also be used to emit, Channeling such a large amount of energy through the deflector made substantial drains on the ship's power systems, notably from the. Also explains the smaller or non-existent deflectors on many warships of enemy empires. (Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Alliances", "Shattered"), On the Constitution-class starships, the navigational deflector was a combined system with the ships' main duotronic sensors. "The Ascension, a new step for Starfleet and a new step for exploration"" — Vice Admiral Jason, 2412 The USS Ascension (NCC-671279) was a Federation starship which was in service as of 2516. Deflector dish – The larger Pilot version dish was a dull, weathered copper color, similar to an old penny, while the Production version dish was a brighter shade of copper. (VOY: "Alliances", "Collective"), The deflector commonly took the form of a dish-shaped force beam generator containing heavy-duty subspace accelerators at the extreme forward end of the vessel's secondary hull. Of all the starships familiar to fans of the Star Trek series, the Miranda Class is one of the most recognizable - the Reliant from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was of the Miranda Class. That's definitely not a standard Miranda; you can tell from the nacelles. With that action, the Klingon Empire ended hostile actions against the Federation, reaching a peace agre… Once I had the model I figured it would be more interesting to attempt a Miranda style design. When the ship is seen from the Enterprise, we see no deflector array. Product Description: If you own one of Warp's Sutherland, Phoenix, or Honshu Nebula conversion kits then you need our Nebula style Navigational Deflector to give your kit the correct appearence. How is that compelling evidence? Another possibility is that these systems are less powerful than a dedicated dish, which isn't a problem for military use or "day-to-day" travel but for deep space missions in uncharted territories, including giant amoebae, nebulas and badlands. It looks like someone kitbashed a Miranda with the Abramsprise—the raised portion on the front of the nacelles is a dead giveaway. It's sometimes called the navigational deflector or the navigational dish or some similar variant. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It suggests that either the pre or postrefit TOS ship's dish was a sensor dish but also doubled as a deflector dish. (VOY: "Hunters"), The Defiant's deflectors focal array is utilized to generate a subspace tensor matrix, In 2154, the navigational deflector of Enterprise NX-01 was used to generate a deflector pulse which destroyed Sphere 41, thus disrupting the entire network of spheres in the Delphic Expanse. How did ships like the USS Reliant travel at warp without a deflector dish? JJ Abram's U.S.S. USS RELIANT Navigation/Strobe/Impulse Engines/Chiller Grills FX Board with Integrated Remote Control by TENACONTROLS $85.00 Star Trek USS Reliant NCC-1864 Combo Board Nav / Strobe / Impulse Engine / Torpedos with built in Audio by TENACONTROLS (ENT: "Countdown", "Zero Hour"), Later that year, the NX-01's deflector was modified to emit a positron burst, which disabled Harrad-Sar's barge when it passed through the grappling line of his ship. At warp speed, the deflector was virtually indispensable for most starships as even the most minute particle could cause serious damage to a ship when it was traveling at superluminal velocities. Mainzer coming out of high warp on a speed-test run. Yeah, Reliant was awesome to me when I first saw ST II in the theater when I was like 8 y.o. Federation and Klingon ships have noticeable deflectors, but the same isn't true for ships of a variety of other cultures, so clearly there is some sort of way to get around using a large deflector - perhaps instead of a large dish, some ships use smaller arrays that are built into the hull, or perhaps they use the shields on a lower setting to achieve the same effect? The image you link says that the deflector is a Warp Field Projector with auxiliary units. See more ideas about star trek, star trek ships, starship. I mean, the sensor array is exactly the same on the bottom of the Reliant's saucer as it is on the Enterprise, both roughly the same sized starship. This is the USS Reliant, an Endeavour class starship. There are many different types of Starfleet ships and many different types of deflectors. It performed its primary function by emitting low-power deflector shields to deflect microscopic particles and higher-powered deflector beams and/or tractor beams to deflect larger objects. In the 2250s these devices were sometimes known as the ships' meteorite beam. Many alien ships also do not have deflector dishes and presumably operate similarly. TOS Enterprise had a concave "satellite receiver" dish. Due to its ability to project a wide variety of energies and particles, the navigational deflector was an extremely versatile piece of equipment. This part is a direct replacement for the deflector from the Ertl 1701-D Enterprise model. Ships like the Reliant (smaller escort/destroyer) or Oberth (mobile scientific outpost) don't need the deflector for the same reason most ships don't have the reinforced bow of an icebreaker. Reliant's deflector dish is mounted on the saucer under the roll bar. USS Defiant. From QMX, the people that brought you the most absurdly expensive Serenity ever, comes this enormous 'Artisan Replica' of the USS Reliant from Wrath of Khan. This is from text on computer screens shown on the show. Same way shuttles and the Delta Flyer and Birds of Prey or Vor'Cha class or D'Derridex class or Jem'Hadar fighters or Krenim Warships or Borg Cubes do. Or it might consist of a probing Laser beam which deflects and/or destroys dust and small particles from the path of the ship. Or perhaps it was due to advancements in computer technology: the switch from duotronic computers to isolinear computers may have miniaturized deflector circuitry to the point where the "deflector room," such as the one seen on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B in Star Trek: Generations, was simply incorporated into the main computer. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. The navigational deflector of a Galaxy-class starship.. the theory that 23rd century "transwarp" is 24th century normal warp, On the Constitution-class starships, the navigational deflector was a combined system with the ships' main duotronic sensors. I don't know, but whatever they are doing, ships like the Romulan D'deridex, Cardassian Hideki, and the Pakled Mondor - as well as Federation shuttlecraft - manage to fly around at warp without visible, glowing deflector dishes, so it clearly isn't a necessary item. 1/350 TAS Aquashuttle $ 11.85 by Spaceways Parts. This sheet not only covers everything found on the kit decal, but contains many extra decals in order to achieve a more accurate looking model when finished. *Reliant-*class starships do not appear to have a visible deflector dish. Interior of the navigational deflector of an Ambassador-class starship.. Since the Reliant has no hull I tried to add the curvy lines of the new Enterprise there. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Isn't that what deflects objects like space dust and rocks around the ship at warp speed? Great for accurizing, customizing and/or adding detail. Lights-on with accompanying bridge sounds (that can be turned off), lit nacelles, impulse engine, dome and bridge, and a full compliment of sounds. A subreddit for in-depth discussion about Star Trek. The tractor beam would be used to deflect larger objects. (ENT: "Bound"), The USS Enterprise used a deflector beam to attempt to shift a large asteroid off course when it threatened the planet Amerind in 2268. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The navigational deflector of a refit Constitution-class starship, The navigational deflector of a Galaxy-class starship, The navigational deflector on a Sovereign-class starship, The navigational deflector of the alternate reality USS Enterprise open at warp, The navigational deflector (also known just as the deflector, the deflector array, the deflector dish, the main deflector, the nav deflector, or the parabolic dish) was a component of many starships that was used to deflect space debris, asteroids, microscopic particles, and other objects that might have collided with the ship. (VOY: "Caretaker"), The deflector of the USS Enterprise-E was charged with antiprotons while the Borg were modifying it. It played a key role in the scientific community as it's deep space capabilities brought it to the door step of new conflicts and phenomena every day. The deflector commonly took the form of a dish-shaped force beam generator containing heavy-duty subspace accelerators at the extreme forward end of the vessel's secondary hull. In Star Trek: First Contact, the Phoenix reaches a speed of about 47,000,000 mph.. VOY S07E22 "Natural Law" - 7 of 9 has to jury rig a signaling device to their crashed shuttle's deflector dish. Are you talking about this U.S.S. It is, but we've seen several warp-capable ships in Star Trek that don't have visible deflector dishes. Pulling it all together, here's my hypothesis: in the mid-23rd century, ship designers deemed a dedicated deflector array a "luxury" component which was only installed on ships designed to travel at sustained high-warp speeds. Enterprise Captain Rachel Garrett sacrificed herself and her crew in the attempt to defend the colony: an action the Klingon High Council felt was honorable. First off my Reliant has a much larger section atop the role bar. What did the Reliant’s deflector look like? It got along just fine, as did many ships of all eras. If ordering for a specific model. Whilst this sounds very complex compared to a dedicated deflector system, it is plausible if we look at the possible roles of the single systems. 1/350 TOS Deflector Dish Needle Metal Replacement $ 27.00 by Spaceways Parts. Construction on the USS Ambassadorstarted in the early 24th century. Jan 22, 2017 - Explore David Evans's board "USS Reliant" on Pinterest. That being said, there's quite a lot about its history we don't know. (TOS: "The Cage") In the late 24th century, some starships were known to have more than one deflector. Perhaps this was due to advancements in propulsion technology, c.f. This particular model won a build contest at All Scale Trek. So it's a reasonable assumption that the post-refit Constitution's big blue spot was a combined sensor/deflector dish (the pre-refit may or may not have been). On the same page, Ex Astris Scientia author Bernd Schneider notes that few alien ship designs feature a visible navigational deflector, lending credence to the idea that systems such as the deflector shields and warp drive can work in concert to approximate a deflector array. Three other kits are available, the USS Reliant from Star Trek II, the USS Defiant from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and the classic Klingon Battlecruiser. This all in one board has everything that you need to bring this ship to life. please check to be sure you are ordering the proper parts You linked to a non canon image. USS Reliant NCC-1864. These designs opt to conserve space and power by using systems which are already necessary in any warp-capable ship design to approximate the navigational deflector. The "Wide-Angled Deflector-Emitter" which can be on the rim of a Federation saucer. That sounds pretty much like what's being discussed here. What did the NX-01’s deflector look like? Some you can’t even see (like the Reliant) as the function isn’t fulfilled by a “dish”. Almost everything you’ll need to decal your Miranda Class vessel. This board simulates the Navigation, Strobe, Front Torpedos, Rear Torpedos and Phasor on the Star Trek USS Reliant NCC-1864. 1. (Note that the Oberth-class also lacks a visible deflector dish.) 7. USS Mainzer was the prototype and test bed for a newly-engineered ring-drive system, to examine its benefits and/or deficiencies. These are all fully automated, operated by the vessel's computers. The WADES seem to be an answer to that. Press J to jump to the feed. Navigational Deflector by Federation Models. Star Trek is full of imaginative starship designs and fans have created their own versions ever since Captain Kirk zoomed across the stars in the 60s. But later on you realize there is no deflector dish. 1/4800 US Navy WW2 Fleet Carriers Set1 $ … . 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