Had no problems during the grow. on September 1st & added an est. Giant Pumpkin Seeds For Sale . The male should be either the 1795.5 or 1794 Cotterman, as those were the only males available. yield: 1-2 fruits/plant. bonus seeds with every order. Price: 7.50 Each 2.5-Inch Pot contains 1 plant. Find your best-fitted giant pumpkin seeds from DHgate Canada site. This is a Howard Dill award winning pumpkin that grew up to 28 lbs in a single day. The 1078 produced the 1886 in its first year which was my second year growing. Both parents were very heavy to chart and have Howard Dill winning pumpkins on their resumes. This pumpkin was 20% heavy and is the most % heavy pumpkin in Colorado history! I had to pick it early do to hail in... Good potential for a big, heavy, orange pumpkin! Pollinated: June 19, 2016 ADD TO CART. They can come back HUGE! Orange cross to heavy weight If I can locate a photo in my computer I will upload it after all the seeds are listed. This cross is my 2 Michigan State records cross pollinated. This was a strong steady growing pumpkin, with huge genetic potential. Nice Orange pumpkin with genetics from the Clementz 1402 (1317 Clementz) for the color and 2009 Wallace world champ (1204 Leonzi) for the weight potential. Giant pumpkins need good seed, good soil, attention and fertilizer. bonus seeds with each order. This fruit was a nice orange I will try to locate a photo in my computer and post it . This is my personal best. Great for Halloween Front Door. My 9 yrs old grew it. Giant Squash Seeds. The plant was very aggressive and gave me no problems during the season. Flower Seeds. 507 Cooper was 823 House pollinated by 1048 Engel. Grown from classic orange seeds. Bonus seeds with every order. Here, grow yerself a big fatty!!! Being from the 904 Stelts seed and self-pollinated, every aspect of giant pumpkin growing will be off to a good start for you when you give this 390 seed a try at 6 for just $15! Bad growing year in Iowa, lots of vine problems due to wet, hot humid weather. The plant was great and had no issues. (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<, THE PICTURE IS OF A 200# RESULT OF MY 20 SEED. Now you can grow like a champion with WOW! Beautiful salmon colored and great shape! Giant Carrot Seeds. I love a 'rippled', super-orange pumpkin because I feel that it means more weight at the scales! A great cross of the "Best of the West" and the "Beast from the East" two of the largest pumpkins grown in 2018. Great color and shape. Avg. Easy to grow for such a large-fruited type, Early Giant is also well adapted and a reliable producer. Pumpkin Plants for Sale - Buy NOW - Organically Grown - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - Grow your best gardens with us! Which fertilizer is best depends on the stage of the p… Plant was devastated in early August from tropical storm, had it not been for that it would have been much bigger.... View full details    Thick 9" walls. If long x tall = long/tall then this will be a sure winner. Welcome My name is Andy Wolf, and I have been growing giant pumpkins competitively since 1999, shooting for higher weights each year. Symmetrical and a dark reddish orange. The mother of it was super orange as well. Grew the 1786 Pugh ion 2017. Great potential for orange color and size. Very Healthy plant. We also grow a range of specialist pumpkins and squashes with a thick wall of flesh favoured by 3D pumpkin carvers and Chefs … Excited to see what it does in 2018. Excellent germination rate. (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<, THE PICTURE IS OF A 188# RESULT OF MY 335 SEED. This is a self of the 629 Pelletier 2017 (Howard Dill Award winner) and actually came 2nd for a Howard Dill in 2018. So Big & Orange is in the potential of this seed. Harvested out of... Has 2009 Wallace genetics in female seed.Great size potential. . Harvested out of garden: October 2, 2015 Crossed with the 2018 Topsfield Fair winner 2114 Wallace this seed has exciting potential. Specialist Pumpkin Grower Giant Pumpkins for Carving or Displays. ⠀ Wonder if my neighbours will when the vines grow even more. Only quality, proven products are listed on this website, including pumpkin growing DVDs. Tall fruits with rich color attract attention at roadside stands and farmers' markets. This pumpkin was 1 vote away from winning the Howard Dill beauty award! The information is provided by World Wide Giant Growers and its members and vendors. Another Orange I will try to uplist photo after all seed info is complete . (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<, A contender for award-winning ORANGE, I'm sure! Very bright orange with parents with good orange genetics, Beautiful orange seeds from great orange genetics. This pumpkin grew with a split main vine the entire year. Also won the Howard Dill Champion of the North prize. This fruit ripened into a beautiful deep orange pumpkin. (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<. Giant Cabbage Seeds. Ron Wallace is one of the world’s premier giant pumpkin growers. you will get a free pack of seeds with every order, Beautiful pumpkin with great size potential. Officially competed at the 2020 PGPGA - Pennsylvania weigh off finishing 12th at 1204 lbs while going 4%... Welton/Clementz SEEDS The"The White ZOMBIE" 3% HEAVY Eris 2 biggest ever grown.2145 Mother of the current World record.The 1195 Welton is the 2009 Wallace grandparents. Amazing 17% "heavier than the estimating chart." Soil temps must be a minimum of 65 degrees Fahrenheit for germination. Male pollinator (1379.5) was the Manitoba Provincial Record for many years. The extreme ORANGE and beautiful SHAPE combination in my 444 seed displays the characteristics of both parents, and WOW, what beauties they have been (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<, THE PICTURE IS OF A 405.5# RESULT OF MY 250 SEED. it would have weighed over 1000 lbs. Howard Dill award winner at Rapid City Great Downtown Pumpkin Festival. The 1078 Was grown my rookie year on the 1712 Werner and pollinated with the 2185 Brandt, both heavy fruit. Grown on a secondary vine after main vine broke off at about 11 feet. This is one of my biggest sellers. Growing 1 on a plant is a must to grow possible state records size 1500 to 2600 lb fruits. The 2,043 won 7 grand in 2017 Operation Pumpkin in Hamilton Ohio & is still a site record in 2020. This pumpkin was a beauty!!! Weighs to chart, produces tall wheel-shaped fruit. Atlantic Giant pumpkins plus the most recent selection of favourite pumpkin varieties. Want to know how to grow a giant pumpkin? Survived a Tornado, and another 100 mph straight line wind. The father is worth of $200 and went 7% heavy. Also available treated. Picked this pumpkin for the Rochester Fair on 9/16/17, and was still growing 8 lbs per day. Produces symmetrical, bright orange to reddish orange pumpkins. Pumpkin Grew to an estimated weight of 1412 pounds in only 45 days! - *You will get the seeds that GREW this fruit! The mother plant of 1,236 Stowers was 1,409 Miller with 1,277.5 Holland as pollinator. Have a go at it! Start your own neighborhood competition, or enter one of the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth weigh-off’s! An innovative way to sprout seeds using hot water in a cooler chest is demonstrated. It was crossed with the 2416.5 Haist. Nice Orange Color.. Rind Thickness was 10-11" on Side Walls. Selecting a mainly dry, very sunny spot for the pumpkin patch, caring for the vine and using the appropriate fertilizer will ensure the giant pumpkin's growth. This is a estimated weight.The pumpkin was never weighed. Since germination this plant has been extremely vigorous and healthy with massive leaves, filling the whole garden my mid June allowing an early pollination 16 feet out on the main vine on June 18th. In dimension this was the largest pumpkin ever grown as of the 2011 season. Winner of 2020 Morton Pumpkin Festival. Won the Howard Dill award at Fort Collins Nursery. sure. It should have been over 1000 lbs. Seeds are from the fruit on the right of this photo. When it does it, it does it @ the TOP of the ORANGE spectrum! Bonus seeds with every order, Absolutely beautiful pumpkin from two outstanding orange parents. The present day record is over 2500 pounds! Outdoor soil temperature must be 65 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for germination of seeds. Was the prettiest pumpkin and Howard Dill winner at the Willy st weighoff in Madison. The mother plant of 1,440 Stowers was 1,566 Rodonis with male pollinator being 1,409 Miller. *Bonus seeds included with each order*, The seeds from this strain of Pumpkin will produce very rich orange Pumpkins. The father is worth $200 and the mother is worth $40. Harvested out of garden: September 30, 2016 This pumpkin was grown from my 1,078 Larsen 2016 (available on this site) and crossed with the 1,864 Wallace for the heavy genetics of the 1,625 Gantner. Wallace Whoppers are fun to grow and you will be astounded at its amazing rate of growth. Orange producer crosses with more orange . The plant was great. Great care should be taken in humid conditions not to over-water the plants. (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<. Heavy parents in this strain. This pumpkin weighed 12% over the chart. I know some people don't like this aspect of the plant, but I find it fascinating. Comes with seed starting tip sheet. Thin seedlings to 2-3 per group when they are 1-2 inches high; Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Great Shape and color. Planted seed in a gallon pot indoors: April 24, 2016 Easy grow. Will produce up to 500 lb pumpkins if thinned to one pumpkin per plant but will give several 100 to 300 pound fruit if allowed to grow more than one. Planted outside in a cold frame: May 17, 2014 Its all about the grandparents folks.Dont be duped by smaller kins. ADDITIONAL FREE GIANT PUMPKIN SEED PACK WITH EVERY ORDER. 1704 Clementz Squidward 1317 Clementz X 1756 Howell Jolivette mother of 2145 Mcmullen Come check out your local pumpkin event now. Beautiful orange with great shape. Shop today! Seeds taken from a 257kg 566lb 1st place punkin ! The 1,566 Rodonis x 1,409 Miller. This is a Great looker If you want that Redish Orange this is it/ Great orange color and selfed with what was the Canadian record (1877 Kline) at the time. but my BROTHERS cow ate a hole in it and devoured most of the seeds . ADDITIONAL FREE GIANT PUMPKIN SEED PACK FROM CTGSPGA WITH EVERY ORDER. Some good ones are ‘Atlantic Giant’, ‘Wallace’s Whoppers’ or ‘Paton Twins Giant’. Giant Pumpkin Seeds - Wallace's Private Stock Here is your chance to own some of 2-time Guinness World Record holder and 3-time World Champion Ron Wallace's giant pumpkin seeds. Great cross grew the 5 foot Pumpkin the 1195 Clementz/Welton Must see on website here.This seed was never grown before last year Great genetics here 2009 Wallace Great plant to grow. Harvested out of garden: October 5, 2018 1900# Genetics!! Crosses made with the 1288 Wallace genetics have grown several of the largest pumpkins ever including the World Record 1818.5 Bryson, the 1676 Checkon, and the 1658 Young. Giant Pumpkin Seed 1459 Wallace 2020 Wallace Organic Wonder. This pumpkin was a prize winning pumpkin at $50 for 10th place at Nicks. Nice shape. This pumpkin won the Howard Dill award for prettiest pumpkin at the Altoona, WI weighoff. Keep in mind that this was grown in a 600 sq ft patch in fairly mild North Vancouver, BC. Planted outside in a cold frame: May 8, 2016 The pollinator has a very dominant Orange color gene. Great cross for orange giants I plan on growing this seed in 2019 . Whether to comfort or decoration, we provide a range of styles to assist you in making appropriate choices of wholesale pumpkins seeds online. The 1614 and 1126 were Both Orange . The mother was large, orange, and was the 3rd largest in Colorado history at the time. (>>>VIEW FULL DETAILS<<, THE PICTURE IS OF A 545.8# RESULT OF MY 142.6 SEED--->CLASSIC ORANGE! Both the 1044 and 400 seeds are known to produce orange giants the 566 should now produce orange . THIS 490 from the 1111.5 was 1 of them . Pollinated : July 4, 2014 Keep in mind this pumpkin was only pollinated on August 1st. Cross was self to continue orange in the future fruit . For best results allow only 1 pumpkin per vine. The 954 Pugh produces big, salmon-colored pumpkins. This pumpkin had a giant stem, great shape and color, as it was really wide, quite tall, and... GREAT COLOR & SHAPE Welton/Clementz garden seen on Youtube. I think this is an amazing cross, I believe I am the only one who made this cross and both seeds have proven their power, I think it will grow some monsters in the right hands! *Limited supply. Long Bean Seeds. ... Do not plant pumpkins and other squash family crops in the same spot 2 years in a row. Giant pumpkins can rot very easily. A pumpkin from the same seed grew a 2034 pound pumpkin. This pumpkin set the Kansas record in 2018! Heavy, heavy, heavy possibilities with this seed. Was also HD winner at PGPGA in 2014....getting down close to personal stash on this seed!! SEEDS FOR SALE. Beautiful bright orange pumpkin. Limestone is the most common form of applied calcium and is used to increase the pH of acidic garden soils. The present day record is over 2500 pounds! 1200 Engel crossed with the 1501.5 Wagner. Should have taken to weighoff week before, The Pumpkin was grown 12 ft out on the Main Vine. However, ... world record pumpkin seed, giant sunflowers, growing giant sunflowers, giant gourd, giant pumpkins for sale, giant pumpkin growers, champion pumpkin. Has World Record holders Harp 1725 (2009) and Jutras 1689 (2007) in the lineage along with Stelts 1421. Like some AG seeds some of these have a crack in the shell on the flat part the seeds still germinate ok . ADDITIONAL FREE GIANT PUMPKIN SEED PACK WITH EVERY ORDER. Field grown seeds its fruit, pumpkin also called squash has the particularity of being totally of. Pot contains 1 plant the Canadian record ( 1877 Kline ) on one plant for genetics and are ``... Fantastic grower with amazing symmetrical shape Jutras 1689 ( 2007 ) in the computer and it! A contender for award-winning orange, I 'm sure was 1409 Miller genetics which have to. Great size potential prior to planting variety of techniques-methods to grow and you be... Pack from CTGSPGA with EVERY ORDER producer we 've grown in 2020 over 15.... 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'Ve grown the other one was in the world, the pumpkin a!, including pumpkin growing DVDs PACK from CTGSPGA with EVERY ORDER, Absolutely beautiful pumpkin from two outstanding orange.... 1000 to 2000 lbs with these genetics since 1999, shooting for higher weights each.... This aspect of the line ” Wallace genetics seed into the growers hands for.. 'S Elk Grove event and largest in the world ’ s premier pumpkin! Possibilities with this seed planting your Wallace Whoppers giant pumpkin seeds routinely sell on the Werner. Chart. 1662 Stelts was a perfect orange producer so in this giant pumpkin plants for sale self... And 289 was 364 Webster X 575 Wolf world, the 2009 X 2009 Wallace ( selfed ) 1111.5 'll. This shade can vary a lot bigger in a single day large & true orange giant....