The Nordic country introduced the tax Saturday, of 16 kroner ($3.00) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of saturated fat in a product. Earlier this month, Denmark's government imposed a new tax on foods with a high saturated fat content. Fat Tax Lands On Denmark's Favorite Foods Times are tough in Europe these days. My latest publication is a commentary on the reversal of the Danish fat tax in New Scientist, November 26:. Denmark is the first country to introduce a 'fat tax' on foods with high saturated fat content. Denmark has long used the tax system to achieve health goals. The objective of the present paper is to investigate the effects of the tax on consumers' intake of saturated fat within three different types of food product group: minced beef, regular cream and … The World Health Organisation released a report last month calling for governments around the world to introduce a tax on sugary drinks, and referred in glowing terms to Denmark's fat tax. Web. Before its introduction the tax was debated worldwide, as Denmark was the first country in the world to introduce a tax on saturated fat. Their initial tax was on products that contained more than 2.3% saturated fat. Denmark has imposed a "fat tax" on foods such as butter and oil as a way to curb unhealthy eating habits.. Denmark is one of the world’s largest bacon and pork producers. Denmark is scrapping its tax on foods that are high in saturated fat after it emerged people were travelling across the border to Germany in search of unhealthy snacks for less. Denmark introduced a tax on saturated fat in food products with effect from October 2011. Related Internet Links. In dollars, the taxes will add 12 cents to a bag of crisps and 40 cents to the price of a burger. Also, a fat tax could be equity neutral. For the fat tax scenario, we assumed the tax would have the same effect that it had in Denmark. Denmark has said it will scrap a fat tax it introduced a little over a year ago in a world first, saying the measure was costly and failed to change Danes’ eating habits. Obesity and the Fat Tax Issue (2011). This paper summarises the recently introduced fat tax in Denmark, which came into force on 1 October 2012, and discusses some of the consequences of introducing the tax. A tax on saturated fat might very well prompt people to consume more highly processed vegetable oils, which are among the top omega-6 PUFA sources. Body blow for butter-loving Danes as fat tax kicks in. Other countries are playing “me too” or waiting to see the results of Denmark’s experiment. Whether these amounts will discourage purchases remains to be seen. ... Denmark's new tax … Fighting the flab means fighting makers of fatty foods. Some may say a fat tax is regressive (takes a higher % of income from low-income families), but if other regressive taxes are reduced the overall impact on equality should be unchanged. KiMs (2012). If people do cut more meat out of their diet it may mean that farmers’ earnings will go down. Denmark 'Fat Tax' Aimed At Curbing Unhealthy Eating Habits. The world’s first fat tax will soon also be the first to be abolished.Denmark has taxed saturated fats since October 2011, and the experiment has been a failure. Furthermore, this paper discusses the theoretical background and reasoning for imposing a fat tax as well as some of the problems and concerns stated, especially by the food industry. Danes are worried that the tax has increased food bills (which was the point of the tax) and that it could be threatening the food industry. Doctors urge UK 'trans-fat ban' Published 16 April 2010. The only problem with this broad definition was that it included foods like milk, butter, and olive oil. During the period that Denmark’s saturated fat tax was in … This paper examines how a policy went from having almost unanimous parliamentary support to becoming ‘an unbearable burden’ on the Danish … Denmark introduces food fat tax. A Public Health Food Tax on packaged products with high sugar, saturated fat or salt levels was introduced in September 2011 in Hungary and a tax on saturated fats was introduced in October 2011 in Denmark. Denmark has scrapped the world’s first “fat tax”, which was charged on foods high in saturated fats, after just one year.Plans to introduce a tax on sugar have also been abandoned. Citing a harmful effect on businesses and consumer buying power, lawmakers in Denmark have repealed the so-called fat tax, which was charged on foods high in saturated fats, after just one year. The fat tax hit jobs in Denmark, boosted cross-border trade, and raised food industry administrative costs. Summary: Denmark’s tax on saturated fat was hailed as a world-leading public health policy when it was introduced in October 2011, but it was abandoned fifteen months later when the unintended consequences became clear. The report said the levy “proved to be efficient in reducing the intake of saturated fat as well as in improving other dietary measures and reducing mortality” from non-communicable diseases. Denmark has decided to abolish its fat tax after barely a year, citing too many negative side effects hitting businesses. The controversial tax, designed to improve the health of Danes by discouraging consumption of fatty foods, was opposed by farmers and food companies and was unpopular among consumers. This week Denmark added an additional tax on foods containing more than 2.3% saturated fats, which includes butter, meat, milk, cheese, oil and processed foods. People with lower incomes would fare the worst. “Danes wants their health to be better. Denmark scraps fat tax in another Big Food victory (2012). A fat tax would reduce prevalent IHD cases by a minimum of 500 and 300 among males and females in Denmark, respectively, up to a maximum of 5,600 and 4,000 among males and females in the UK. Equity neutral. In October 2011, Denmark passed the world’s first fat tax – a tax on butter, milk, cheese, pizza, meat, oil and processed food that contained more than 2.3% saturated fat. Denmark took the lead in passing a fat tax in 2011. The Danish government implemented this tax in an effort to reduce the population’s consumption of fatty foods, as Denmark’s overweight and obesity rates have steadily increased over the past decade. If you crave comfort food in Denmark to lift your mood, it'll cost you. Danish government. COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Denmark has imposed a “fat tax” on foods such as butter and oil as a way to curb unhealthy eating habits. Denmark’s food taxes A fat chance. Denmark’s so called fat tax on foods high in saturated fats has been repealed by the Danish parliament only one year after being introduced. The “fat” tax is 16 kroner per kilogram of saturated fat. The objective of this paper is to make an effect assessment of this tax for some of the product categories most significantly affected by the new tax, namely fats such as butter, butter-blends, margarine and oils. Denmark’s fat tax is being opposed by the country’s food industry, especially the meat producers. In 2011 Denmark introduced a tax on saturated fat in food products, the first country in the world to do so. AP/The Huffington Post. Alternatively, the money raised from ‘fat tax’ could be used to spend treating health costs of obesity. It will be replaced by a tax and competition plan. Campaigners urge Britain to follow Denmark's lead in fighting obesity by taxing unhealthy food products. Unless and until more data emerge, the effectiveness of the world’s first fat tax will have been buried under its own controversy. About KiMs. Web. This report on Organizational Change Project “Fat Tax” in Denmark was written and submitted by your fellow student. Published 1 October 2011. As Denmark becomes the first country in the world to introduce a tax on foods containing saturated fat, a public health expert tells Channel 4 News the UK should consider a similar move. Web. On the other side the new measure is expected to bring the government about $400 million additional tax dollars a year. It has taxed candy for nearly 90 years, and was the first country to ban trans-fats in 2003.