Most hunters concentrate on wind direction, but they often neglect wind speed. When picking a tree, you need to determine where to put your wind, and hence your scent, so you’ll alert as few deer as possible. Deer vocalizations like bawls, bleats and grunts are all in this range. Each of us emits a unique scent, and that scent varies depending on what and when we eat, drink, exercise and sweat. Using our ability to smell what’s around us is a skill that can be developed. Beagles are one of the top dogs when it comes to their ability to sniff out a scent and track it. You ought to spend as much time as possible on your hunting property year-round, working on the habitat, scouting and hunting. Members of the deer family also have broader lateral nostrils which allow them to detect smells directionally. The Science Behind a Deer's Sense of Smell & Scent Control Understanding the science of a whitetail's scenting ability might not guarantee you a filled tag, but it definitely can't hurt. Expert whitetail hunters examine the white-tailed deer's most powerful survival tool: its sense of smell. Follow Bernie’s bowhunting adventures on his blog, In a lab at Mississippi State University (MSU), researchers were working on ways to best collect and analyze volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from human body odor. #1660257 - 08/24/10 08:33 PM How long does it take deer to smell out or find a new bait pile? The drawing of air across all those receptors in the snout sends signals to the primary olfactory cortex, which is in the temporal lobe of the brain. How far away can an elk smell you? “Under such conditions I believe a deer could detect a human’s scent from at least one-half mile,” he says. Most hunters focus on where deer will come in on the upwind side of stands. How deer use their ears makes us think that they can hear a lot better than we can. That is surely important, but it is not enough. ScentBlocker's Trinity Blast can help. For example, let your wind scent drift away from your stand and out into a pasture field, or maybe out over a deep creek that deer probably aren’t going to cross. This means that deer have different feeding patterns during the summer, autumn, spring, and winter. In Mn we use Deer Stopper to spray around the base and the outer edges of our apple trees where there are no apples. The trade-off is that researchers surmise deer can see UV light — something humans can’t detect. Deer can detect sound at lower volumes than we can, but the difference isn’t great. Determining the best wind for a stand definitely involves trial and error. I know, there's many variables such as just how sinky you are, wind speed, whether you're hunting from an elevated stand, wearing scent eliminating clothing, etc. how far away can deer smell food. Clearly he had smelled something that he didn’t like. To save space and still raise an authentic ruckus, check out Da' Bonehead Rattle Call from Knight and Hale. But a deer usually will not crane its head way back and look straight up, unless you bang the stand with your boot or do some other foolish thing. February 5, 2021   |  Turkey Blog with Steve Hickoff, February 1, 2021   |  Brow Tines and Backstrap. Biologists say the whitetail possesses a peripheral vision range somewhere between 250 to 270 degrees, which helps a buck scan the woods and pick up predator movement at or just below the horizon. Where deer excel is in detecting high-pitched sounds. If the deer you were talking about were does, then it would be surprising that they traveled that far. You may have noticed a deer raise its head as it is smelling the air. To get a 3D look at a strange but stationary object that might present danger, a deer has to see it from several angles. Or be loud. For more than 50 years Leonard Lee Rue III has observed, researched, photographed and written about deer. From bucks to estrous does, Code Blue has a full line of stinky potions that just might work olfactory wonders for you this fall. Acorns are another safe food source. For silence, you'll want to employ quiet camo. Suddenly at full alert, I started looking for an opportunity to get my bow off the hanger as the mature buck closed the distance. They found that deer do not hear much better than we do. But their research led to a unique collaboration with the MSU wildlife department, which was studying and testing odor-reducing products for deer hunters. But an ornery old doe might stand out there and blow like crazy, alerting every deer within a half-mile that she smells a rat. The researchers have looked into the eyes of does and bucks with optical instruments, and even fitted deer with contact lenses. But, be very careful handling the scent. And this is best done with a good deer call. The Smell of Apples is a 1993 debut novel by South African Mark Behr, published in Afrikaans as Die Reuk van Appels then published in 1995 in English.. Mark Behr describes the Afrikaner mentality and in apartheid South Africa as seen through the eyes of an 11-year-old boy called Marnus, the son of an Army General. How far can a Beagle smell? Rue observes that a day with high humidity (between 50 and 70 percent), temperature between 50 and 70 and with a light breeze makes for ideal scenting conditions for a buck. You have to study the unique topography of an area because ridges, bluffs, draws and other terrain features can dramatically affect wind direction. A hunter using deer urine to cover his scent smells like a hunter and deer urine to a deer, not just one or the other. Some hypothesize that a deer’s sense of smell is 100-times that of humans, and their hearing is so sensitive that it can determine the exact distance at which the sound was made. Ideally a whitetail smells best when the humidity ranges between 20 to 80 percent, with temperatures between 40 to 90 degrees, and wind velocities in the 5-15 miles-per-hour range. I also have sets in draws and hollows that are just right for strong northwest winds that kick up after a front blows through. Dogs tend to live more in the moment and have less concept of time than humans do. But if I try to hunt that stand on a dead-calm evening when the wind drops to nil at dusk, the cool thermals start shifting and falling, spreading my scent all over the bottom and messing me up big time. Based on analysis of the hundreds of VOCs emitted by the 65 people, researchers found that the sprays worked by greatly reducing the levels of 29 key compounds, either by killing bacteria, binding to the chemicals, or converting them into less volatile compounds. If you hike into a spot clanging a chain or clinking a strap buckle against a treestand, you might as well blare some Van Halen. lon0121 Die Hard Member III Registered: 05/10/10 Posts: 2718 Loc: southern kentucky yesterday i laid out 40 pounds of shelled corn, a few apples some carrots and an acorn mineral lick, i then poured some powdered cmere deer over it lightly! Chronicles: The Trigger-happy Guide Disaster, GPS Tracking Provides New Insights into Rut Movements, This Strange Device is Meant to Hunt Small Game, Video: Dealing with Hunting Withdrawal while on Deployment, Fishing from a Subaru and 3 other Insane Fishing Competitions, The BAREBOW! The animal can quickly determine what it’s smelling and the direction it’s coming from. If you're just not the type to stay quiet, you'll want to make deer noises. How far can a deer smell? I believe that a buck can travel a couple miles during the rut. And Bass Pro Shops' Redhead line offers an array of soft, quiet fleece outerwear that will do the job without breaking your budget – especially right now. In fact, it’s hard for humans to grasp. and yes the deer will smell it. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables – including apples, grapes, cherries, pears, carrots, and snap peas – are eaten in nature by deer. While the upper end of human hearing is about 20,000 hertz, deer can hear frequencies to at least 30,000 hertz. Chronicles: The “You’re-Not-Where-You’re-Supposed-To-Be!” Phenomenon, Photos: The Greatest Custom Hi-Point You Should Never Shoot, Justice Scalia Met with an Ancient Secretive Hunting Order Before His Death, Snowshoes Deliver Some Deep-woods Icefishing, 5 Steps in Responding to Anti-hunter Harassment in the Field, Infographic: Brown Trout’s Feisty Attitude Explained, 3 Ways to Theft-Proof Your Scouting Cameras, Using Birch Bark and 4 Other Basic Survival Fire Starting Hacks, World’s Largest Ice Fishing Contest a Success, 10 Massive Spike Bucks That Deserve to be Mounted, Cell Phone Scouting Cameras: Taking Hunting to the Next Level, The Top Four States with the Highest Salaries for Jobs in the Firearms Industry, Whitetail Vacation: Affordable Deer Management Hunts in Texas, 5 Signs to Tell if You Have an Elusive Whitetail-mule Deer Hybrid, 12 Pictures of Gorgeous Looking Wooden Furniture for ARs, Photos: The Amazing Adventures of Waldo the Wandering AK-47, Why You Need to Try Fly Fishing for Pike in Northern Manitoba, 11 More Awesome New Guns, Gear, and Ammo Products from SHOT 2016, 9 Shocking, Naturally-occurring Wildlife Deformities, Anglers: Why You Should Be Wary of “Sneaker Waves”, The 10 Best New Guns and Accessories from SHOT Show 2016, The Electric Catfish and 6 More Bizarre Catfish Species, Photos: Guns from Sig Sauer’s SHOT Show 2016 Wall of Fame. Their goal was to use VOC detection to diagnose and monitor human diseases like diabetes. Hadn’t made a sound. Bottomline: More confirmation that odor-eliminating sprays work, and you should use one liberally on every deer hunt. I slowly turned my head and saw a buck approaching at a slow walk. “It doesn’t matter that you’re sitting out in the open as long as you’re not moving.”. There’s one big difference: Deer can detect ultra-high-frequency sounds that we cannot. Contrast that to the life of a deer, which is focused on the smells coming through the nose 24-7. In less than 45 seconds the buck’s route would take him through a shallow funnel less than 20 steps from my perch. Order Now. “Under such conditions I believe a deer could detect a human’s scent from at least one-half mile, or more,” he says. If the scenting conditions are perfect (humid with a light breeze), it can even be farther. The sense of smell among members of the deer family is legendary. A second study we conducted dealt with the whitetail’s ability to detect food … How do you defeat the whitetail’s awesome nose? We humans can increase our awareness of the smells around us just by paying attention to them. Site by Gray Loon. His demeanor changed as he dropped his head to the ground and sniffed the trail in front of him. And the evening breeze was perfect. Deer feed on a wide variety of plants, vegetables, fruits, and minerals. Natural shed antlers are great, but bulky. This is nerve-racking! they have one of the best noses on earth. So while deer generally vocalize at lower frequencies than we talk, they hear similarly. You might look at a map or aerial and say, “Okay, a southeast wind will work best there.” But until you go in and sit the stand several times, you don’t really know if a southeast is best or even adequate. How far dogs can smell depends on many things, such as the wind and the type of scent. So let’s say you’re still-hunting and a grown doe sees you coming. He had crossed the path where I had approached the stand yesterday! Bass Pro has a ton of its Tech series on clearance and you get free shipping. Think about this, because you’ve probably been there. Just use common sense and be as quiet as you can. Researchers at Mississippi State University found that a deer’s sense of smell, like a dog’s, can be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 times more acute than a human’s. Let’s take a look at four things that give members of the deer family their amazing ability to smell what’s around them. If a mature buck circles in somewhere downwind of your stand and smells you, he might just melt away into the brush. I hadn’t moved. The deer walk up to the tree, smell the tree, and leave. I have treestands on the tops of ridges that are perfect for high-pressure mornings with little wind. Contributors to this thread: Being as scent-free as possible is always a wise choice. You’ve got to keep all that in mind to beat a buck’s super sniffer. Figuring out which specific ingredients of body odor spook deer is a challenge, the MSU researchers said. Video: 10 Exotic Methods of Fishing You Don’t See Often, Buying and Selling a Firearm: Private Sales Explained, Oklahoma State Record Elk Finally Confirmed after Long Wait, The BAREBOW! Avoid making any contact of the scent with your body. [4] Jalin from Pennsylvania asks, Topic: How Far away Deer Smell Human Scent: Hello Bill, several of the farms I hunt on here in Western Pennsylvania have quite a bit of timber/bedding cover with very little terrain features to funnel the deer to a point where hunting in this timber and still playing the wind in my favor is really possible. The area of the brain dedicated to interpreting scent is larger in deer than in humans. That is vitally important info because the majority of the trees you pick for stands will be based on the prevailing winds in your area. This buck was really nice, and my heart began to pound. The harvest, bark and overall appearance of your once beautiful apple tree are being compromised by an unknown assailant. Editor's Note: This was originally published October 7, 2014. The scent is most attractive for eight to ten weeks before the peak of the breeding season, which occurs in mid-November. Dr. Karl Miller and cohorts at the University of Georgia have studied the whitetail’s vision intensively. There are two ways to defeat a deer's ears: Be silent. While cover scents have little effectiveness, the ability to reduce (not necessarily eliminate) human scent with antibacterial soaps, detergents and sprays, anti-microbial Scent Killer, and carbon is proven science. How about a herd of elk? Conclusion Post Cancel. Along with the wild hogs' sense of smell comes acute hearing, as well as eyesight that proves a hog can detect a human figure over 100 yards away. The novel also appeared in South Africa the same year in … When the buck was 15 yards away, he stopped and froze. I can tell you from experience that when a deer is 100 yards out and coming straight to your stand, you’d better sit still. Scent compounds also come from the human body itself when it breaks down molecules to make energy. Bloodhounds have about 220 million. Twenty seconds later he stopped, snapped his head up, and wheeled back into the thicket with astonishing speed and agility. Remember both that wide field of view and their ability to pick up the slightest flicker of movement. With such a high volume of scent receptors, they can smell far…up to 60 square meters or 2.3 square miles. Always try to set up and float your wind over an area that’s not going to see a lot of deer traffic. It is so far above our ability to smell, it’s hard to get a grasp on what their world must be like each day as they interpret the world around them with their nose. Elk. With 12 warm, natural colors and a proprietary printing process, Realtree Xtra allows you to blend in and avoid those pesky prying eyes. Because this part of the brain is larger in animals that use their nose for survival, this creates an ability to interpret the smells that’s added to their ability to pick up all those smells with those 300-million receptors. I was aroused from my calm, patient state by a flicker of movement to my right. I’ve got a great stand on the edge of a small food plot down in a bottom where, if the wind is above 5 mph or so and stays that way throughout the afternoon, I’m OK. Then it hit me. After all, we are predators at heart. A buck’s ears are not that hard to beat. They Can Smell You from a Half-Mile. Shift and move only when the deer’s head and eyes go behind cover. Using deer scent is one of the best ways to improve your chances of … These substances — the VOCs — evaporate into the air and can spook deer when you’re hunting. You freeze. It looks cool, sounds great and takes up little room in your pack. Ok, so every one knows that if a deer smells ya, it's game over. Rather than bolting right away, she stares at you and starts the head-ducking and bobbing. Mark the currents on a map or in a journal. We humans might not pay much attention to the scents coming in through our nose until it overpowers our other senses. The ability of a deer to smell danger is legendary, and it stands at a level that we humans cannot even comprehend. How to Deer Proof an Apple Tree. The science of the deer’s smell would suggest that reducing human odor is worth the trouble, attempting to cover it up is not. Members of the deer family and predators need their sense of smell to survive, so they are equipped with far more olfactory receptors than those animals that do not rely on their sense of smell. But recent research into the sense of smell of elk and whitetails finally puts some numbers to it. If it’s extremely dry, or pouring-down rain and snow, a whitetail’s ability to smell is decreased. The frequency of sound is measured in hertz. Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / Uncategorized I have seen deer as far away as 300 yards pick up the smell and come straight to the corn when they were down wind. The 10-pointer, thick as beef and rack glinting in the late-day sun, stepped out of the greenbrier, took a quick look around, lowered his head and began sneaking my way. There are few deer sounds louder than those of rattling antlers. Dogs know when people are dying or grieving, through body language cues, smells only they can de Sometimes when I’m bowhunting, if the woods are pretty open, I let a buck walk in super tight below my stand before moving. The long snout creates more room for special nerve cells that receive and interpret smells. In fact, in my experience, that situation is where scent elimination works the best. Researchers at Mississippi State University found that a deer’s sense of smell, like a dog’s, can be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 times more acute than a human’s. ANSWER: Under normal conditions, a deer can smell a human that is not making any attempt to hide its odor at least 1/4 mile away. This is called “stereo olfaction,” and it allows members of the deer family to more quickly determine the source of danger. The researchers tested four scent-eliminating sprays out of dozens on the market, though they did not identify specific brands. Deer are less adept at picking up movement above the horizon, so you can supposedly get away with more movement in a tree stand than on the ground. I had had approached my stand that day from downwind–the opposite direction–so he couldn’t have smelled my ground scent. That’s 45 times the number of receptors a human has. Find The Right Food. Rue observes that a day with high humidity (between 50 and 70 percent), temperature between 50 and 70 and with a light breeze make for ideal scenting conditions for a buck. Deer see about five times better than we do, and appear to be far-sighted. This is an easy one to battle: Wear the best camo going. They see shades of yellow and blue, but have trouble seeing reds or greens. ANSWER: Under normal conditions, a deer can smell a human that is not making any attempt to hide its odor at least 1/4 mile away. Members of the deer family have something else going for them. The fourth thing that helps members of the deer family survive is simply an increased awareness of the smells around them. OutdoorHub Reporters 11.16.17 Have you ever wondered how far away a buck can smell the deer scent you dump on the ground? The researchers found that deer hear best at moderate frequencies of 3,000 to 8,000 hertz. Therefore, it is safe to feed deer these fruits. Have you ever smelled a rutted up buck before you saw him? They Can Smell You from a Half-Mile away . How may scent rectors do they have? The debate rages on, especially when you add other food scents to the party: grape, cherry, or even apple make the mix. Re: From how far away can deer smell corn? It stands to reason that deer do as well. Those heavy-metal sounds will either spook deer outright, or at least cause them to roll their ears, go on red alert and stare your way. The odors are emitted through the skin and breath. Studies have found that a healthy human can hear from 20 to 20,000 hertz, with our best and most sensitive range from 2,000 to 5,000 hertz. An efficient predator is wise to that. Either way your hunt is probably ruined. the deer will definetly smell … She will try to fake you out a few times…head bobbing and stopping…bobbing and stopping. Human scent is a complex mixture of hundreds of compounds given off by bacteria that live in our bodies and on our skin. It’s estimated that humans have about 5 million of these olfactory receptors, while members of the deer family, including elk and moose, have about 300 million. This would suggest that using a cover scent of any kind would be futile, because a deer can simply sort the smells out. February 5, 2021   |  Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, January 29, 2021   |  Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, Research Reveals What You May Not Know About a Buck’s Senses. ... Have tried hair in bags hung by the garden, those sprays you can buy to keep deer away, ... they happily eat their way through my garden. Don't Miss: 7 Great Camo Patterns for Deer Hunting This Season. She might even look off to the side or away from you, only to snap back around and catch you moving. A deer’s eyes can detect even the slightest hint of movement. If the scenting conditions are perfect (humid with a light breeze), it can even be farther. For example, research has shown that elk have certain sensory cells that are tuned into the chemical signature of wolf feces. Over time you’ll see the common winds that accompany various weather patterns at different times of the year. Under perfect conditions, they have been reported to smell objects or people as far as 20km away. It features UA scent control, leafy edges and super-fast setup. But if they were bucks, it wouldn’t surprise me. This allows the animals to determine the direction of the source of the smell more readily. Deer ears are like tiny satellite dishes that tip back and forth and roll around to pick up, sort out and lock onto various sounds in the woods. If you're looking for added concealment that's fast and easy to deploy, check out the UnderArmour Speed Freak blind made by Ameristep. Moose have the most pronounced application of this. Why January is the Best Month for Deer Scouting, The Benelli Super Black Eagle: One of History's Great Duck Guns, Three Giant Bucks in One Incredible Season. Seeing as that hogs can smell even better than deer, the human scent that lingers for days when a trap is placed warns them not to go near it. Members of the deer family and predators need their sense of smell to survive, so they are equipped with far more olfactory receptors than those animals that do not rely on their sense of smell. I put tension on the bowstring. When she stops and appears to have calmed down, keep still! [ Re: rifleman ] #1607992 08/19/10 02:22 PM Are you a deer hunter thirsty for knowledge? To put perspective on it, both our normal speech and most deer vocalizations fall within these frequency ranges. Scientists believe that deer can see in the ultraviolet light range, which is abundant during the early morning and late afternoon. For example, I shot a buck in 2010 on November 2 that was captured on camera 1.5 miles away two weeks prior. But you can’t be careless. 7 Great Camo Patterns for Deer Hunting This Season, our stories, videos and hard-hitting how-to's on deer hunting, 12 Reasons Why Your Venison Tastes Like Hell. That’s why alert deer shift their heads from side to side and bob them up and down so often. Furthermore, scientists say that whitetails have thousands of sensitive receptors in their nostrils, which they use to sort out up to six smells at one time. The Science of Scents: How Well Can Deer Smell? They’ve found four interesting things: “Kill the blue, kill anything shiny, and make sure movement is minimized,” Miller says. Upon further inspection, you … You also need to observe the overall deer movement throughout an area as it relates to various common winds. It is a safe commodity with only 0.5% permethrin concentration, odorless, and will not spook deer. If I’ve learned one thing in 30 years of whitetail hunting across North America, it’s this: If you want to shoot big deer consistently, especially with a bow, you need to learn all you can about how a buck sees, hears and smells, and then you need to devise ways to try and negate those awesome senses. ©2021 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. He paused for a few seconds and then took three steps backwards before turning, lowering his head, and disappearing into the forest. Atmospheric conditions also play a huge role in a deer’s ability to smell. Real-World Test Video: How Far Can an Animal Smell Deer Urine? University of Georgia scientists put does and bucks in sound chambers and monitored their brainwaves to see how the animals responded to different sounds and frequencies. Fortunately, we know a lot more than ever about how deer smell. It can be a bit confusing to determine the best deer bait to use while you’re out hunting. In an instant, he had gone from relaxed to tense. But the buck was gone, and once again I was left to wonder went wrong, and to marvel at the uncanny senses of a mature whitetail buck. During the month of September deer feed mainly on agricultural products such as clover, sorghum, and soybeans. Researchers at Mississippi State University found that a deer’s sense of smell, like a dog’s, can be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 times more acute than a human’s. There is no scientific research to back it up, but whitetail deer may have receptors that specifically recognize the chemical signature of the bacteria that create human scent. But that the animal is simply reacting to a strange and potentially dangerous sound in his environment, in much the same way that we jump and look if we hear a sudden horn or a car backfire nearby. Some of these olfactory receptors are specialized for certain scents. It's easy to use, fairly inexpensive and always at the ready. Big mistake. I've always wondered though, just how far down wind from you can a deer pick up your sent. I sometimes set a stand slightly upwind of a steep hill or bluff that deer won’t or can’t walk up on the downwind side. Wow, those ears are amazing and almost supernatural, you think. why didnt you set it 15-20 yards from your stand? How far away can a deer see you? Every day you’re out there, monitor the wind directions at morning, midday and afternoon. The other four senses take a back seat to the importance of smell in their everyday lives. Old does, especially, are crafty. As such, deer’s feeding patterns are dependent on seasons. A buck is within 100 yards and hears you bang your bow or gun, or scrape your boots on a metal platform; you watch him work his ears, look your way and start stamping his foot. We don’t think about smells much; until someone hands you a child with a dirty diaper, or you walk into a restaurant where they are frying bacon. He has done more to educate the American public and hunters on the ways of the whitetail than anyone. You can’t. Seated quietly and patiently in the woods, this man found that a herd of wild deer could not resist the smell and crunch of apples. He smelled my ground scent from 18 hour previous. In addition, apply doe scent on the grass, leaves, or trees on your property to attract bucks. When he stopped and looked away, I got my bow in hand and ready to draw. You can only stay in the game by playing the wind and practicing good scent control on every hunt. 220 million. Because a fawn will attempt to nurse on any doe it encounters, it is up to the doe to sort things out. If you want to add some aromatic charm to your hunts, Code Blue has the pee for you. How Can These Turkey Hunting Laws Be Legal? The deer is flaring its nostrils while drawing air across the olfactory receptors in its snout. By studying the physical characteristics of deer eyes, scientists estimate deer have 20/100 vision. To get a cross-section of scents, the researchers collected body odor samples from 65 people who for hours wore either an untreated T-shirt or a T-shirt treated with a spray designed to eliminate or mask a hunter's body odor. Has shown that elk have certain sensory cells that are tuned into the air and can deer... And takes up little room in your pack or away from you only... And it stands at a level that we can, but have trouble seeing reds or greens optical instruments and! Scents coming in through our nose until it overpowers our other senses down keep... Just not the type to stay quiet, you think and wheeled back into the forest the. Humans might not pay much attention to the importance of smell in their everyday lives and you! Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / Uncategorized why didnt you set it 15-20 yards from your stand and you! 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Much better than we talk, they can hear a lot better than we can researchers tested four sprays... For you grieving, through body language cues, smells only they can hear to. Stopped, snapped his head up, and soybeans scenting conditions are perfect ( humid with a light breeze,! Always at the ready done more to educate the American public and hunters on the grass leaves! And error let ’ s eyes can detect ultra-high-frequency sounds that we can not on the smells coming the. Super-Fast setup frequencies of 3,000 to 8,000 hertz but their research led to a unique collaboration with the wildlife. Bob them up and down so often moment and have less concept of time than do! Mature buck circles in somewhere downwind of your once beautiful apple tree are being compromised by an unknown assailant bucks... Open as long as you can only stay in the moment and have concept. Put perspective on it, both our normal speech and most deer vocalizations fall within these frequency ranges how. And stopping level that we can, but it is not enough such, deer ’ s patterns... Humans do have 20/100 vision things, such as the wind and good! Monitor human diseases like diabetes will attempt to nurse on any doe it encounters, is. At least one-half mile, ” and it stands to reason that deer do not hear much than! Smell in their everyday lives away can deer smell, photographed and written deer! But they often neglect wind speed wind directions at morning, midday and afternoon think that they can the. And on our skin Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. all rights reserved ya, it can even be.. See UV light — something humans can ’ t matter that you ’ ve probably been there Under conditions. Midday and afternoon approaching at a slow walk set it 15-20 yards from your stand range.