In 2019, only 4.9% of the Chinese population hit the gym. A company limited by guarantee. 2002: Report of the 2002 China National Nutrition and Health Survey. China’s National Program for Food and Nutrition (2014-2020) [Internet]. Obesity Reviews, 13: 287-296. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00944.x. Take obesity: A recent study published shows that China can now lay claim to having a greater percentage of obese men and women than in the United States. As approximately 95% of patients with diabetes in China have T2D, the rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes in China may be attributed to the increasing rates of overweight and obesity and the reduction in physical activity, which is driven by economic development, lifestyle changes, and diet (3,11). The General Administration of Sport survey of 10 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities also found that 34.4 percent of Chinese between 20 and 69 are overweight. Photograph: Aly Song/Reuters. The drivers of Childhood obesity in China. Of these over 650 million adults were obese. 2015;15:88. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1407-0. Female: 77.9 years [WHO life expectancy data, 2018 ] Life expectancy in China was only around 35 years in 1949, when the Communist Party first took control of the country. Chinese Ministry of Public Health (CMPH). Obesity rates are higher in the north. These foods are highly alkalising and play a major role in keeping our bodies healthy and are renowned for being both tasty and wholesome. Education was categorised into low (primary and junior high school level), medium (senior high and vocational school level) or high (university level or higher). 2018; 13(8): e0202681. Liu W, Liu W, Lin R, et al. Eur J Prev Cardiol. Improvement in dietary knowledge can potentially prevent overweight and obesity, conditions which are receiving substantial attention from international organizations and governments. Site by fuzzylime Privacy policy Terms of use Contact us. The prevalence of overweight was the highest in Beijing, which was 2.8 fold of … Scientific Reports. A recent study published in the Obesity Reviews journal, found that Chinese teenagers' rate of diabetes was four times that of their American peers. Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Today, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the overweight figure in the US is around 67.9% and 32.3% for China. (In Chinese). Zhang J, Wang H, Wang Z, Du W, Su C, Zhang J, Jiang H, Jia X, Huang F, Ouyang Y, Wang Y, Zhang B.Prevalence and stabilizing trends in overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in China, 2011-2015. Overweight and obesity defined using WGOC Criteria, Yunping Zhou, Qian Zhang, Tao Wang, Yanqing Zhang & Bo Xu. BMJ. Obesity rates in China have doubled within two decades, and health authorities are warning of a surge in chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer. WHO & WGOC also available. Int. Evidence of Nutritional or Health Strategy/ Guidelines/Policy/Action plan. This is a ‘risk score’ for each country’s likelihood of having or acquiring a major childhood obesity problem during the 2020s, taking account of current prevalence levels and risk for future obesity (based on stunting among infants, maternal obesity, maternal smoking, and breastfeeding rates). "Based on these criteria, the overall prevalence of general obesity in Chinese adults was 14 percent in men and 14.1 percent in women," notes a press release on the report. Among some of the notable findings in the report: The researchers also framed their data in an international context, as obesity is increasing worldwide. Sun H, Ma Y, Han D, Pan C-W, Xu Y. 35–75 years who had lived in the region for at least 6 of the preceding 12 months. High prevalence of general and abdominal obesity for both men and women was identified in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. Our version from Book - Li Y. Childhood Obesity in China: prevalence, determinants and health. Prevalence of Physical Activity Among Chinese Adults: Results From the International Collaborative Study of Cardiovascular Disease in Asia. 2015 Regional data also available for: Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Xi'an (, Zhang YX, Wang ZX, Zhao JS, Chu ZH. They defined general obesity as a body mass index of 28 kg/m2 (kilograms per square meter) or higher, and abdominal obesity as a waist circumference of 90 centimeters (36 inches) or more for men and 85 centimeters (34 inches) or more for women. 4 Increasingly Chinese society is making efforts to address the rising obesity and chronic disease epidemic. Socioeconomic determinants of childhood obesity among primary school children in Guangzhou, China. All rights reserved. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 2004;25(2):97–102. China Lithuania Russian Fed. VALUE IN HEALTH REGIONAL ISSUES 12C (2017) 112 – 114. Prevalence and stabilizing trends in overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in China, 2011-2015. Charts and tables: WHO growth reference for children aged between 5–19 years; Facts about overweight and obesity . 15 states had an obesity prevalence of 35 percent or higher among Hispanic adults. Pages on this site relating to data from the European region have benefited from the support of a European Union operating grant under the Third Health Programme (2014-2021). The population of China is becoming increasingly overweight, according to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, an academic medical journal published by the American College of Physicians. More than a quarter of Chinese children will be obese or overweight by 2030, a new report says, as experts warn obesity rates among the young are reaching “epidemic” proportions. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu = Journal of Hygiene Research [Internet]. Obesity prevalence and time trend among youngsters in china, 1982 - 2002. Epub 2019 Oct 29. 625–633. OVERWEIGHT WAS DEFINED AS BMI≥24.0kg/m2 AND OBESITY AS BMI≥28.0kg/m2 according to chinese criteria, OVERWEIGHT WAS DEFINED AS BMI≥24.0kg/m2 AND OBESITY AS BMI≥28.0kg/m2 according to chinese criteria, OBESITY WAS DEFINED AS BMI ≥28.0 BASED ON THE WORKING GROUP ON OBESITY IN CHINA CRITERIA, Yan, S., Li, J., Li, S., Zhang, B., Du, S., Gordon-Larsen, P., Adair, L. and Popkin, B. Xi, B., Liang, Y., He, T., Reilly, K. H., Hu, Y., Wang, Q., Yan, Y. and Mi, J. [Body mass index reference norm for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese children and adolescents]. A recent national estimate of adult obesity in China in 2007 and 2010, which doesn't include provincial prevalence estimates, showed that prevalence of general obesity was 3.1% … Registered charity number 1076981. Nauru has the highest obesity rate in the world at 61.0%. Li Y,, Schouten EG, Hu X et al. Combined, the nearly 40% of overweight Chinese add up to some 500 million people. China’s Life Expectancy as of 2018: 1. A national strategic plan aiming to promote healthy lifestyles, improve health services and the health industry, and build a sustainable health system to provide essential health services to every citizen by 2020 and reach the main health indicators of high income countries by 2030. Zhou BF, Wu Yangfeng, Yang Jun, Li Ying, Zhang H, Zhao L. Overweight is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in Chinese populations. National obesity risk * 7/10 This is a composite ‘obesity risk’ score (out of 10, the highest risk) based on obesity prevalence, rate of increase, likelihood of meeting the 2025 target, treatment indicator and childhood stunting levels. [cited 2020 Jul 22]. Chen C, Lu FC, Department of Disease Control Ministry of Health, PR China. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04135-4. Date range: September 2019 – August 2020. Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Prevalence and Trends in Obesity among China’s Children and Adolescents, 1985–2010. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among primary school-aged children in Jiangsu Province, China, 2014-2017.PLoS One. In China, the world's most populous country, the rate of increase is even higher, new research shows. (LIU JIN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES). ET. Guidelines to prevent and control overweight and obesity in Chinese adults. PLoS ONE 9(9): e98744. (2016). In general, male subjects, urban residents, and high-income groups had a greater increase. This is a composite ‘obesity risk’ score (out of 10, the highest risk) based on obesity prevalence, rate of increase, likelihood of meeting the 2025 target, treatment indicator and childhood stunting levels. IDF Diabetes Atlas, 8th edition. Biomedical and environmental sciences: BES [Internet]. Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants. The 2019 maps show that obesity impacts some groups more than others. worldwide percentage has tripled since 1975, Obesity in America: A Guide to the Public Health Crisis, California Do Not Sell My Personal Information Request. (2014) Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and Weight Loss Practice among Beijing Adults, 2011. New research shows the obesity rate in China tripled over a 10-year period, but remains far lower than in the United States. A subject was considered obese or overweight if weight-for-height exceeded the 20% or 10% of standard weight-for-height.