That increases the risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. How to plan ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum From retrieval practice to test-enhanced learning. Like a GPS, teachers are prone to denying students responsibility for their own path-finding . You can read the details below. For each area of a subject, consider what you can add to create depth. This however has to be achieved without increasing work load or work sheets. Something went wrong while submitting the form, Classroom Management and aggressive behaviour. We want every pupil to go beyond their current understanding and where possible, adopt threshold concepts, the type of thinking that changes the way you view the world forever. Professor John Hattie, alongside Gregory Yates, in Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn, explore the difference between teachers as activators as opposed to teachers as facilitators. With the Learning Hub, apprentices can evaluate their learning and rate their understanding as they progress giving you the insight you need to set stretch and challenge tasks. Breathe normally and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds; in problem areas, you may need to hold for around 60 seconds. It can also be hard to create stretch through this approach, because it is difficult to pitch tasks at exactly the right level. How do you know when apprentices are ready for that extra push? Your email address will not be published. Now, in my work as an education consultant and teacher trainer, one of the areas I am asked to support schools with most often is "stretch and challenge". The options discussed in this article all have one factor in common: a belief that all students can produce excellent work once they know what it looks like and are given appropriate tools and support to make it happen.Learning intentionsFirst of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. A well-deployed teaching assistant can encourage students who struggle to work independently by modelling the processes required to develop independence and resilience. In regards to Stretch & Challenge, what is working for you and your students? The chapter first defines and introduces differentiation as a classroom concept which has relevance for educationalists at all levels in providing meaningful and productive engagement with new knowledge and skills for learners. Here are my 4 top tips for ditching the differentiation madness. Ensure that success criteria for a piece of work makes clear to students how they can demonstrate excellent quality work.Rather than setting a limit on what we think students can do by creating differentiated criteria, give all students the same criteria but make explicit to them how meeting the criteria becomes progressively more demanding.Once students have attempted a piece of work, teach students how to use pre-flight checklists which ask students to check their own or a peers work against the criteria and highlight areas for development before handing in their very best effort.Academic vocabularyVarying levels of literacy is one of the most significant factors in how well a student will do at school. This requires a depth of awareness of where each child is and . jetblue flights to destin florida . However, taking . Alongside her webinar for NACE members, author and teacher trainer Sue Cowley shares five ways to ensure all learners are stretched and challenged its differentiation, but not as you might expect! There is also an emphasis on ensuring that the curriculum nurtures . I was awarded two extensions and last week was informed I was. This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on incorporating stretch and challenge into the RE curriculum, thereby ensuring that it sets high standards and ambitious aims for all pupils, aligned with government expectations. While these homework projects can be a lot of fun, many students struggle with such open-ended tasks. Understanding, On Post-its what can you remember about each man?Make the point about their own talk being more challenging, but also more memorable, Discuss the questions in pairs - feedback. Please fill in the details so we can send over the resources. We know that talk can extend thinking and that's why, in recent years, Oracy has begun to get the attention it deserves. The strategies below(link for original source) are about empowering students and fostering curiosity without huge amounts of preparation and added work. Stretch and Challenge Developing Deeper Understanding . Second, it is the teacher who holds all of the power because they are the ones initiating the questions and deciding on the direction of the discussion. For many years, stretch and challenge was seen as something for the gifted and talented group. Using visuals to accompany the word as a memory cue helps students to remember the work. For your stretch and challenge activities to work, youll need to keep apprentices engaged otherwise they might just see them as extra work. Click Accept to consent and dismiss this message or Deny to leave this website. Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students. 'Deepen' support for each lesson (Teacher Guide) The Teacher Guide provides valuable support for each stage of the lesson. While these homework projects can be a lot of fun, many students struggle with such open-ended tasks. marriage transits astrology Accept X The teaching assistants role needs to be clearly defined. who responded to Ofsted's online questionnaire, Parent View, are overwhelmingly supportive of the school's leaders and what they achieve. The UTF actions can be carefully ordered into an engaging assessment methodology that gradually increases with cognitive complexity. pass, merit, distinction. Create a Place for stretching (I used to have a fluffy rug in front of a mirror with my stick figure stretch routine where I . This approach has meant that classrooms can take on adopt an 'access and challenge' agenda. In 2019 I met Umair Shafique at the Service Design Fringe Festival in London, and heard . Building on this, parents and carers need to be kept well-informed about their child's progress and have a good understanding about how they support their child's learning at home. The best performing schools see additional learning opportunities throughout the curriculum to develop advanced knowledge. Work with the apprentice and employer to set ambitious, yet realistic targets. Top Revision Tips: 10 ideas for the classroom, The Knight in Shining Armour: coming to the rescue, Blue Peter Heres one I Prepared Earlier: pre-digested resources, Negator of Challenge: over simplifying and over scaffolding, Accepting the first response too readily and not grilling students, Life Support Machine: creating need not independence, The nodding dog: over praising and giving approval too readily, Have a starter that students can be doing from the moment that they enter the room to ensure a prompt start to the lesson, Use homework to prepare students for the learning in the lesson, Prepare learning resources that students can use independently without reliance on you, Set a strict time limit for speaking to the class. Select a date. Set tasks, including homework, which challenge students and ensure a high level of interest. Description. One way is with. In time, our members have also used attitudinal challenges. Use Title Questions. The bank of Socratic and exploratory questions embedded within the framework enable teachers to turn a basic question into a more complex task that advances the level of thinking. Our vision is to 'Create a climate of great learning, success . Since academic vocabulary knowledge is at the heart of being a good speaker, reader and writer, it is important that teachers dedicate enough time to explicitly teaching academic vocabulary in their subject areas to challenge students to express themselves with confidence. Ensure that students engage with academic vocabulary on a regular basis through discussion, word games and vocabulary notebooks to consolidate knowledge. Students can demonstrate an array of abilities through the spoken word without being anxious about the quality of handwriting or grammatical structure. 2010 2013 last Ofsted reports. You are signalling to students that youve made a decision that only a few can reach the top. Based in the north west of Leeds, Benton Park is a large, successful and oversubscribed school. We had an excellent team and all of us contributed to our end result, which was of course encouraging in the face of looming GCSEs. Post Ofsted this has been made an area of development across our school, departments are responding in a number of ways. Taking on a fresh role or perspective can really help to challenge our thinking. Combining these two techniques, the teachers expectations of the students is that a student has not finished until their response is 100 per cent accurate and they have developed their thinking using academic vocabulary and a range of examples. Much classroom discussion centres upon the teacher initiating discussion by asking a question, choosing a student to answer and then acknowledging whether the answer is correct.This cycle is repeated several times with different students. Therefore, it is vital that when offering students choices they are held accountable for the work they produce.FeedbackThere cant be a teacher on this planet who doesnt know by now that feedback has a significant effect on students outcomes. Hold your stretch. The new focus on progress measures in performance tables will reward schools that stretch their brightest pupils. Find ways to assess and ascertain the prior knowledge of your class before you start a new topic, and incorporate this information into your teaching. March 9, 2023, 12:00 PM GMT. M3 3HN. This may seem like a pretty obvious statement to make but often, without recognising it, we set a limit on what we think students can do.Stretch and challenge is knowing your students really, really well, through a combination of scrutinising a range of hard and soft data to enable us to make the best decisions when planning for students learning.Once youve diagnosed your students strengths and barriers to learning, there are a whole host of options you can implement to raise the bar in your classroom. Once youve diagnosed your students strengths and barriers to learning, there are a whole host of options you can implement to raise the bar in your classroom. There is no real challenge posed if a student is told to go off and be independent if, once they get there, they dont have the knowledge or skills to complete the task successfully. Job posted 3 Mar 2023. Pygmalion in the Classroom (Pygmalion in the Classroom Rosenthal, R.; Jacobson, L. (1968) I See Reasoning UKS2 - Gareth Metcalfe. Using frameworks such as solo taxonomy and blooms enables educators to explore the academic potential by subtly reframing the learning objective. At times, their level of knowledge or skill might outpace yours. If students are producing a piece of homework over a sustained period of time, make sure they are provided with clear structure and steps to success so they can self-regulate. Teachers know there should be more 'stretch and challenge' but most have had no training in them. Sometimes they will teach themselves new skills without any direct teacher input for instance using YouTube to learn a language that is not on offer at school. Encourage your son or daughter to talk to the older generation at home about their perspective on events in the past and how views and opinions have altered. To find out more about OneFile and how you can use it to improve your apprenticeship delivery, with a OneFile expert. As well as Marzano and Pickerings work, Doug Lemov in Teach Like A Champion has introduced two strategies that raise the language demands of students: Right is Right and Stretch It. Developing Deeper Linked to this, they will need to be taught to think in specific ways so that, when they face difficulties, they can draw upon subject-specific strategies and questions to ask themselves to help them select the right domain of knowledge to complete a task.Where a student has access to support from a teaching assistant, it is vital that the student doesnt fall into the trap of learned helplessness. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Maybe occasionally, this approach should be used, but my advice is to avoid where possible. The problem with classwork is that students often dont have enough time to engage with a challenging task. Homework gives students greater freedom to demonstrate what they really know and produce quality work. Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . The first section of the chapter defines and describes ILPs, and outlines the typical content and uses of such a document. You are not alone looking for KS2 maths challenges for high attainers. Provide an even greater degree of stretch and challenge for the m ost able disadvantaged pupils . Session 1: Examining the Evidence Around More-Able Learners in the Classroom. Outline. View all posts by NQTtoptips, Your email address will not be published. All Rights Reserved. SecEd prides itself on being written by teachers, for teachers and offering a positive and constructive voice for Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, which is needed to maintain a range of motion in the joints. To find out more about OneFile and how you can use it to improve your apprenticeship delivery,download our free guide. However, if you stay resolute and communicate with students the changes you are making and the benefits these changes will bring, they will end up appreciating your high expectations of what they can achieve.Debbie Light is an advanced skills teacher and a deputy head in a London secondary school. In our quest to make students more independent, we have forgotten that they need to know an awful lot before they are ready to work independently. Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . In case you need help on any kind of academic writing visit website and place your order, Programme Manager/Tutor/Assessor/internal Verifier at Guildford College Group, Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. A well-deployed teaching assistant can encourage students who struggle to work independently by modelling the processes required to develop independence and resilience.Teaching assistants can ensure that they work alongside students to get into the habit of chunking tasks down into clear steps for success, asking metacognitive questions and verbalising their thinking, which will lead to the creation of excellent work.Questioning and discussionProf Hattie identifies classroom discussion, where students are given the opportunity to respond to challenging questions posed to them, as being integral to accelerating students learning.Robin Alexander, in his book Towards Dialogic Teaching, highlights the over-reliance on IRF (initiation-response-feedback) in the British classroom. Work with the apprentice and employer to set ambitious, yet realistic targets. Blue Peter 'Here's one I Prepared Earlier': pre-digested resources. In this approach, the childs thinking is developed through the use of a serve and return conversation in which open-ended questions are asked to build understanding. Apart from the issue of how time-intensive this model is, there are two ways it obstructs challenge. In March, I secured a 1 month secondment to the Research and Evaluation team at Ofsted. These can be facilitated 'on the fly' and challenge learners to adopt new perspectives on familiar knowledge. Or to see OneFile in action,book a demowith a OneFile expert. Finally, celebrate and showcase students homework as this will encourage students to keep challenging themselves as their efforts wont have gone unnoticed.ConclusionWhatever approach you take, embedding a stretch and challenge model in your classroom takes time. Stretch and challenge is knowing your students really, really well, through a combination of scrutinising a range of hard and soft data to enable us to make the best decisions when planning for students learning. First of all, lets be absolutely clear: differentiated learning outcomes must be removed from all classrooms if a stretch and challenge model is to be embedded into everyday practice. In fact, OneFile has everything you need for the new apprenticeship standards thats why its the most used apprenticeship software. However, other students will be able to climb all the way down into the chasm to see what is at the bottom, before climbing up the other side. Like a GPS, teachers are prone to denying students responsibility for their own path-nding. A note of caution: sometimes students are given homework tasks that seem challenging because they require students to work independently on a project over an extended period of time. and, yes, I'm talking quietly because everyone else is asleep. Handout 3 Defining Roles and the Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Paraed National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals, Differentiation/ Stretch&Challenge Training. The Ofsted inspector liked it too! Speak to their employer too. Already I've been cautioned about the fixed mindset language of 'able' and 'gifted and talented' . <br><br>My academic and professional career has spanned Higher Education . To stretch and challenge students in the classroom is an art in itself. Inspection report: Harris Academy Tottenham, 9-10 May 2017 Page 3 of 13 . Book Now ($71.91) Information for universities, Terms Rather than accepting students first responses, giving students an opportunity to practise their response through oral rehearsal results in much more sophisticated thinking.HomeworkThe Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit informs us that homework in secondary school can have a significant impact on student outcomes.