Your interpretation is helpful for my thought and Im sure many others. I am so totally impressed with your photography, poetry, and painting. Putting the art of poetry, photography and painting into your hands is Gods gift to us who get to read it and see it. Especially separating church from a building or denomination. He is a character that doesn't have much talent but, when it comes to sharing his insight, he shows his knowledge and speaks on what he knows. Gorgeous new work. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. LinkedIn. This is relevant and an excellent way for me to look at some situations I have been in recently. What a delight to experience the beauty of nature you shared of your slice of the world through these beautiful photos. His father was an architect, and his mother came from a brewing . It is just a slice of heaven. Facebook fcmalbyauthor | This poem really hit home. Thank you for all the inspiration you share so generously. What a stunning place! She has been granted residencies at Ucross Foundation, Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, and Villa Montalvo Center for the Arts. . Thank you for sharing yourself and creativity in such a transparent way, it is very inspiring and humbling to me. You are a blessing to many! Your work is just extraordinary! I will continue to benefit. Kurt Vonnegut, pictured in 1981, was a prisoner of war in Germany during World War II and survived the bombing of Dresden. Well Done! Set in the year 2081, an alternate reality in which the future USA government achieved "equality" among all citizens by enacting amendments that handicap those whom surpass other citizens in strength and talent. In Golden Apples of the Monkey House: A Post-Jungian Interpretation of Myth in the Short Stories of Kurt Vonnegut and . Kurt Vonnegut, who is considered something of a left-wing icon, was in Dresden as a POW during the attack. This has needed to be said for a while! Your reading challenge has inspired me and given me permission to read again, as previously I had just fitted reading round everything else. Thanks for your strong, bright and clear art work! I must find the higher spiritual path that nature often helps me see. This quote encompasses the satiric postmodern themes of absolute truth in Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. Talent is required. . Asked in 1970 if he was influenced by a particular writer or style, Vonnegut answered: No, although I do see myself as an instructed writer, and there arent many producing authors who would confess to such a thing. Kurt Jr. was the youngest of their three children, along with . Your blog is full of the wonderful, multilayered colors and textures that you play with, and share so unselfishly with the world. I can taste the yellows and hear the oranges! We were wowed by her ability and her encouragement of others to express themselves artistically. I have had similar thoughts for some time. Students have been writing all their lives. Can you really teach anyone how to write? a New York Times editor asked Vonnegut, just as he was composing a piece for that very newspaper about that very subject. It was rejected, and he was furious, speculating . It is uplifting and energizing to see such bright, cheerful, healthy and fresh images. You are letting your light shine. Hi Polly, loved this poem. Your eyes are keen and your photographs dynamic. He is most well know for writing Slaughterhouse-Five, which was published in 1969. Original, demonstrating individuality and confidence! I will refer to it often. Thank you so much for the recommendation. The tough guy who made students and their instructor feel like something the cat dragged in, possibly spitting on the floor after having done so, almost certainly, like me, handed in manuscripts to his publisher that were as much in need of repairs as what I got from students at the workshop. You show great courage, humility, and such support for everyone around you. Your photos have opened my eyes to the beauty surrounding us everywhere. The No-Talent Kid is about a kid who had no musical ability but was in the band. She works as a painter and has exhibited in galleries across the United States. I recently I recommended your blog to a friend saying, Shes like a dear friend, she just doesnt know me. Thank you for all the delight you add to my days! Prior explicit permission is required, however, for any portion of Polly Castors photographs, art works or writings to be otherwise copied, reproduced in any way, re-blogged or downloaded (Contact Me Here). Goooooood grief!!! You are a woman deeply filled to the brim. and a whole lot more. So beautiful and I have shared it with so many others. In "Harrison Bergeron," Vonnegut portrays a dystopic totalitarian government that tortures and executes its citizens to achieve its goal of physical and mental equality among all Americans. New York: Delacorte Press. Yes indeed! Feel free to use the "Print" button provided to utilize Polly's recipes for personal use. The outstanding photos and the amazing narratives made me feel I was on vacation for a few minutes each day. I think you have covered absolutely every way anyone would wish to be blessed. I love these particular colors together and the different styles and techniques really give it a lot of depth and texture. Recommend to friends. Malby 2023. A 20. szzad msodik feln tvel ri munkssga a kortrs amerikai irodalom s ellenkultra egyik legnagyobb s . Im new to your site and I love todays post about being grateful! I suppose it was this consistent involvement with newspaper audiences that fashioned my style. I love it! Thank you for this beautiful poem. Gave me hope. You have addressed many nuances that I have been espousing for years, and your words are powerful and thought-provoking. Thank you for writing this opinion so eloquently, Polly. I love the photos such a gift which makes me feel closer to Fall, my favorite season. In the Literary Magazines database youll find editorial policies, submission guidelines, contact informationeverything you need to know before submitting your work to the publications that share your vision for your work. Vonnegut had failed enough in his life at all the things for which he hadnt much talent to know in his bones that being blessed with a God-given knack for something is a prerequisite for success at it. I have so enjoyed your recent posts about your garden, your reflections about parenting, your vibrant artwork so many wonderful expressions of Spirit. Maybe you were "raised in such an achievement-oriented (spiritual) environment" and "inundated with the myth of" having to . Beautifully written, Polly captures my sentiments exactly.. Do it as well as you possibly can. Vonnegut repeatedly tells the reader to "Listen" throughout the novel. Click the "Shop Now" button and a percentage goes to support this blog. I am glad I came across these beautiful words. View the covers and contents of every issue of Poets & Writers Magazine, from the current edition all the way back to the first black-and-white issue in 1987. You inspire me! Lovely Polly! A friendship is forged between them, and soon the . Below is an excerpt fromthe book, forthcoming from Seven Stories Press on November 5. And I sure do thank you for inspiring me to greater efforts along all lines of life! amerikai regnyr s esszista. Thank you for bringing your hydrangeas into my home via the internet. Vonnegut poses the question . I love this! Please click below to make a donation via PayPal. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. (acrylic) by Polly Castor. Now the work required to make a lasting change is up to each of us! Because I went from a failure, someone who hadnt been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. Because writing prose is one thing, and writing a yarn is another. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of getting to know you, questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? I look forward to your positive thoughts and love. Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle is a darkly comic book with serious intent. It is very appropriate for our times. If youve some talent, passion, and a good story to tell, must you spend a fortune on an MFA program to hone your craft? I love it! A student of Vonneguts at the Iowa Writers Workshop from 1965 to 1967, during a time when the teacher was finishing his masterpiece Slaughterhouse-Five, McConnell draws on firsthand knowledge and extensive research to guide the reader through nearly everything the famous author ever said or wrote about the art of writing. by Kurt Vonnegut. I am one of your readers who definitely looks forward to a positive message from you every morning. All Rights Reserved. Thank you Polly, for saying what needs to be said. With rare photographs and reproductions as well as a generous offering of the novelists aphorisms, short essays, articles, speeches, and interviews,Pity the Reader elucidates this imperative, offering insight into both craft and the human condition. You are who you are. Your blog is very interesting and insightful. What is failure anyhow? Thank you. These photos are so wonderful, it really warms the heart. What a breath of fresh air!! Oh yum, Polly These gorgeous photos made my mouth water and my eyes pop! The Reason to Do Anything (Quote by Kurt Vonnegut). Twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize, her stories, essays, and poems have appeared in such publications asThe Huffington Post,Provincetown Arts,The Brooklyn Rail,The Water~Stone Review, Per Contra,The Hamilton Stone Review,The Saint Anns Review,Bellevue Literary Review,Calyx,Kalliope,Green Mountains Review,The Fiddlehead,Personal Fiction Writing,Earths Daughters,A Sense of Place, andPoets & Writers Magazine. Ive taken all this glory into my heart today and am grateful for it. Research newspapers, magazines, websites, and other publications that consistently publish book reviews using the Review Outlets database, which includes information about publishing schedules, submission guidelines, fees, and more. Wow! Thank you for your spiritual calm, support for each of us, uninhibited creativity, and amazing paintings. I find the ideas you share on your blog very encouraging in having a sense of order when it comes to goals and priorities. Kurt Vonnegut. Wow. Salman Rushdie on what the books "Slaughterhouse-Five," by Kurt Vonnegut, "Catch-22," by Joseph Heller, and others tell us about the nature of war and humanity. Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (November 11, 1922 - April 11, 2007) was an American writer and humorist known for his satirical and darkly humorous novels. It was a wonderful mix of beauty, humor, and thoughtfulness. Kurt Vonnegut: Myth and Science in the Postmodern World attempts to understand, in Vonnegut's novels, how Darwin's theory of evolution functions as a cosmogonic myth that is widely accepted in order to explain why the world is as it is and why things happen as they do, to provide a rationale for social customs and observances, and to establish the sanctions for the rules by which Vonnegut . Kurt Vonnegut 'Talent is extremely common. Write like a writer, Vonnegut said. That definitely sounds like a book Id like to read! Love opening your blog each day it is a treat that I save sometimes. Now it is a legitimate activity in my life and I am enjoying it immensely! I enjoy your blog so much. Harmony is going on all the time; weve just got, Pity and Praise are both Projections (Quote by Jena Schwartz), Gingery Sweet Potato Stew with Kale (Recipe), Blessing of Courage (Poem by Jan Richardson), Lengthening Our Days (New Abstract Conceptualist Painting in Pastel), Hike Photos from Huntington State Park (February 2023), Dont Feel Sorry for Yourself (New Poem by Polly Castor), Jen Evenhus Workshop in Saco, Maine (Photos), Pot-Roasted Celeriac (Celery Root) with Horseradish Sauce (Recipe), Agony (New Good Friday Poem by Polly Castor), Practicing Direction (New Poem by Polly Castor). Well over ten thousand poets and writers maintain listings in this essential resource for writers interested in connecting with their peers, as well as editors, agents, and reading series coordinators looking for authors.