Sadly, there is more topical preaching at funerals than in almost any other venue. Any message which does not require confession of sins, repentance, and sincere faith is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. (In Gods providence, I have also presided over the funerals of dear saintsall elderly women so farand I am grateful for the tone of victory that more accompanies these services.) I make sure to say that those who reject Jesus will die eternally while those who repent of their sins and trust Jesus will live eternally, going to heaven when they die and enjoying the new heavens and the new earth on the future day of their own bodily resurrection. Believers and nonbelievers, alike, areall looking for hope, help, and healing during moments like these. In my time of doubt and pain, remind me of your sufficient grace. I cannot forget these truths and cannot lie to the family that their loved one is in a better place. They are not. But God is very loving. Sometimes that is straight forward just like a Sunday service. I recalled how he used parables for two primary purposes: to reveal truth to the believing and to conceal truth from the unbelieving (Matt. If you do, all that you're going to communicate to the people who are hearing you is not comfort. Funerals are rife with comforting assurance. Broken Arrow, OK 74014-0187 2. It is in The Gospel According to John that we read the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.. I feel like my entire life has lost its meaning. If someone dies without a clear testimony of being born again, the minister should avoid mentioning heaven at his or her funeral. One particular meeting around a familys kitchen table I could sense was particularly helpful for them, largely because at one point they started reminding each other of funny stories about their son/brother, something I had facilitated but then merely observed. For whatever your circumstances of life may be, one day you will die. Finally, the story of Lazarus reminds us that Jesus is the Lord of life and death. May the breeze blow new strength into your being, and may you believe in the courage of yourself . When a person dies without Christ, the third purpose becomes the challenge, as purposes (1) and (2) are typically present, naturally. Properly grieving must take place and a funeral helps to signal that beginning. May you live compassionately and creatively and transfigure everything that is negative within you and about you. I usually do not think a funeral should be an evangelistic service. And he said, Where have you laid him? They said to him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept. in conducting a funeral for a person who was not necessarily saved? If we dont know, we leave it with Him. Give everyone hope. Tim Gilligan Ocala, FL For even a hateful rich man would want his family to know of the eternal realities he was now experiencing. When I do a funeral like that, I think about the thief on the cross. God assures us that he wishes for all people to turn to him in repentance and faith. I like to have our funeral service director give families the opportunity to have their loved ones favorite scriptures, songs, poems, sayings, or memories shared. I would always encourage that the family, friends, and minister give the honor that would be due and celebrate the memories made. May Christ, the Son of God, Who died for you take . May the sun bring you energy everyday, bringing light into the darkness of your soul. It is easy to do once everyones heart is warmed by everything else. Here is an example of a simple sermon to illustrate how we can show sensitivity and gospel faithfulness at the funeral of an unbeliever. All pray the Lord's Prayer, using one of the forms in UMH 270-71, 894-96. Instead of assuming the worst, we must realize that we dont necessarily know what a person did in his final moments or seconds of consciousnessthis means there is hope! When your time comes, may you be given every blessing and shelter that you need. We come to you because the love we feel is hurting and distressing. I try to make the funeral as personal as possible. People come in an emotional state where they can be turned on or turned off very easily. It is okay to cry. Our purpose in a funeral sermon is not to convince the audience that their unbelieving loved one is in hell, but to lead those who are still living to a personal encounter with Jesus. Im sure wed all rather do funerals for folks that are for sure and for certain Heaven-bound. First, you need to come to terms with the fact that they are lost and going to hell. And the blessings of everlasting life. My brother (sister) in faith, I entrust you to God Who created you. The widow was tremendously relieved when I told her of his open heart and his confession of faith. I am careful to not say the person that died is in a better place if it is not known of his or her salvation. May you have a wonderful urgency to live your life to the full. Honor the persons life, comfort the bereaved, and share the love of God. Assure us that (childs name) is safe in your eternal love. May he/she recognise joy in the memories, hope in your love, and peace in the pain. Christ alone knows those who are His and the conditions of a persons heart in the moments before and during their death are a sacred secret between them and God. Do you believe this? She said to him, Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.. As with every funeral, there are many unique considerations, depending upon the individual who has passed, and the spiritual condition of the family that remains. Grant to the souls of all our faithful departed. A giant pine, magnificent and old Stood staunch against the sky and all around The Bible teaches that we have all sinned. Wendy Preston Aylesbury, United Kingdom. 2. Just as tragic as preaching another gospel is making the real gospel look like bad news instead of good news. Registered office: 4 King Edwards Court, King Edwards Square, Sutton Coldfield B73 6AP. I ask you to be with them while they struggle in the darkness of grief. When you come to die may it be after a long life. 10. Amen. With that said, it seems the purpose is more or less the same: to try and bring some comfort, maybe even direction into what is possibly the most emotionally stressful time possible to us humans. He receives no joy from seeing people perish. 3. Tell people that now is always the best time to receive Gods love by believing in Christ. Sometimes families dont care to meet with me, and thats okay. Short Funeral Sermons for Unbelievers One of the most difficult things to do as a pastor is preach at the funeral of someone who was not a believer in Jesus Christ. The eternal destinies of Lazaruss family and the crowds that gathered at the funeral were at stake. I make clear to the family that I will present the Gospel and an open prayer of salvation. The text is from the book of Numbers. Sam Smucker Lancaster, PA Also, and very importantly, a funeral is a vital event to officially begin the healing process. He showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, He sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for us. As shepherds, we must do our best under God to comfort those who are grieving without compromising the truth. Should We Cancel Karl Barth, Martin Luther, and Jonathan Edwards? Where life is brought to death. Husband of Miriam - Grateful for Privilege. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, the apostle Paul tells believers facing the death of someone who has died in Christ, "that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. Now others on our staff have done that explicitly. I have held hands at a crime scene and at the morgue while a mother waited to identify her sons body. He likely reflected on the memories he shared with Lazarus when they reclined at the dinner table and laughed while enjoying Marthas famous home-cooked meals. They assume hes not. I have sat with the dying in hospitals and funeral homes, sharing the joy of Jesus with them in their final hours. 1 Corinthians 15.20-end The resurrection of the dead. Part 2, Do You Have to Like the People You Work With? When we draw our funeral sermon thoughts from the text of Scripture, people are confronted with the Word of God which stands forever instead of a preachers best attempt to sneak in the gospel. When I go over a funeral service order with families, many times they simply nod and reply with some variation of Whatever you think will be fine. I have learned over time that one of the best things I can do for these families is go into professional mode. As they are handling family and friends coming into town, dealing with all the other goings-on attendant to the loss of a loved one, and just sorting through their own feelings, taking think about the funeral service off their plate can be a major relief. Jesus explained in this story that there is no way to cross the great chasm between heaven and hell once you die. I usually do not think a funeral should be an evangelistic service. He saw a ladder reaching into heaven and angels ascending anddescending. It is better to speak my piece about the true gospel and rely on the Spirit to work the logic internally against mourners assumptions than to directly and personally contradict with a Well, actually to people who are sorting out their grief and trying to offer comfort. This positive and uplifting poem is one of the most well known and is often read at funerals. Help us to believe that your love is greater and more farseeing than ours. and is able to talk about how their faith impacted the overall course and events of that persons life. Ive had to do two or three of these types of funerals and they were all with members of my family. There are lots of ways to do this, but here are some general guidelines: I make sure I learn as much as possible about the individual. This is why Paul says with unparalleled seriousness, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed (Gal. Here is the full text: "May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.". I ask family members for fond memories or even humorous ones. May you be peaceful and happy and in the presence of those who really care for you. Funerals are a wonderful time to help friends and family members of the deceased taste and experience the goodness of God and the love of His church. I need you, I need your strength to guide me. Few have put much forethought into these arrangements. Whatever circumstances bring an unbeliever to the church house for a funeral, here is my strategy for preparing to do an unbeliever's funeral: 1. My Heavenly Father, in John 17:3, Jesus says, "Now this is eternal life: that they know . 4- Sending blessings upon the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.) Here are seven considerations. If the family requests that there be military, fraternal, or other rites in addition to the Service of . Will you and I believe this promise and receive this gift of eternal life? Prayerfully endeavor to be discerning and compassionate, never approach it as one size fits all. The Holy Spirit, who Jesus introduced as the Comforter will guide and be present throughout this process. Below are some sample messages that you can send as funeral messages for unbelievers. Jesus said, Take away the stone. Then, Jesus prayed to His Father and cried out with a loud voice, Lazarus, come out. The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. This is why Paul says with unparalleled seriousness, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed (Gal. Today I ask you to help (friends name). Make it about those who remain. He learned, as a result, to be slow to anger: Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. This brings to mind a question that is often raised in pastoral ministry: People are often distraught when a loved one who died gave no evidence or indications of having accepted Jesus. The strongest truth to be presented is that God is a righteous and merciful Judge. With non-religious and Humanist funerals becoming more and more popular, many people turn to the internet and books to find the perfect non-religious reading.. Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.". Its a day to celebrate an individual and doing that is yet another warm heart memory for those left behind. I then remind people that for those of us who remain, we should not delay our own response to the Gospel, we should settle it now. I do funerals of the lost and those who are in question. Prayers for A Funeral (2) Introductory Prayer Compassionate God, you have loved ..A.., and we have loved him/her too. I root the spirit of the service in a scripture that is supportive of the funerals goal. Gentle humour goes a long way with a genuine appreciativeness for the deceased allows for friendships to grow. 14 for the gain from her is better than gain from silver, and her profit better than gold. Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. So after saying yes to the one making the funeral arrangements, I make contact with a member of the family to let them know I am thinking about them, praying for them, and would like to meet with a representative of the family at their earliest convenience to talk about the service. No one has ever asked me, Is my loved one in heaven? because they all assume he or she is. Funeral Poems for Dad. But I have been told that being available has been very helpful. He had attended church off and on, but had not given clear evidence of faith and repentance. I do not believe the primary purpose of a funeral is evangelism although that may occur as a result of doing the first three well. I root the spirit of the service in a scripture that is supportive of the funerals goal. The goal is not to convert anyone but to honor the life of the deceased and help people who want to grieve feel supported. Cleanse him of his transgressions as you cleanse a white cloth of stains. Dickinson says, after a death, the things left behind are often cherished by loved ones, no matter how insignificant they seemed before they died. To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. A few months later when I received a call from his widow telling me that he had passed, she expressed sorrow concerning his spiritual state (he had not lived for God during his life, nor had he shared with her about his decision and prayer a few months before). Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. I like to have our funeral service director give families the opportunity to have their loved ones favorite scriptures, songs, poems, sayings, or memories shared. Jesus said to them, Unbind him, and let him go. (John 11, paraphrase). I then called on them to trust in Christ for life, salvation, and a new heart for God and others. You have many memories with your loved one, and they are very precious. "When I bury non-Christians, I don't speak to the dead. 1 The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. If you do not love God, you can come to know him. It is never advisable to comment definitively on the final state of the departed. Grieving people are often desperate to see a purpose for their griefand that is found only in Christ. He is both the God of comfort and the God of truth. Your destiny in eternity is fixed based on what you believe and how you live in this world. A selection of guides you may find useful when organising a funeral for a loved one, Call: 0800 456 1047 But I was quickly baptized by fire in this small town, and in the last two-plus years as pastor of Middletown Springs Community Church I have lost track of the number of funerals Ive either participated in or officiated over. He endured the worst kinds of sufferings, from grief over his lost friend Lazarus, to a painful death on the cross. Faithfulness to Christ doesn't stop when you enter the funeral home; it intensifies. When it comes to the funeral or the memorial service, there are important considerations that have been well addressed in the remarks above. Psalm 61:1-3 Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. It is unfortunate how many funeral sermons avoid the Scriptures. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Sadly, I have attended many funerals where ministers fed the false hopes of unbelieving people. By declining to presume where the departed is but committing to proclaim the eternal realities of any departed person in relation to Jesus, I am throwing myself onto the sovereignty of God who will use his gospel to spiritually awaken his children to desire his Son. 11 Prayer for a Loved One. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on While I would not say everyone ought to do it the same way, here are some thoughts born from much reflection and continued experience with preaching the funerals of unbelievers. 6 Prayer for Funeral. However, the most challenging of all is preaching the funeral of someone who was almost certainly an unbeliever. Then, when I share the message, I make it about God and what he offers to the people present without necessarily connecting it to the life of the individual who passed away. If we live and believe in Him, we shall never die. Camp Meetings We miss ..A.. . Proverbs 12.1. Today, Jesus is at the right hand of God the Father in heaven praying for us. Remember, Jesus wept. We must stay radically rooted in the Scriptures. Its wonderful to see broken hearts being ministered to well the moment they enter our church. My approach for any funeral is that a funeral is about the person who has passed, but it is for those who are present. 1 2 Next Song - No Tears in Heaven - Seating Guests Song - Home of the Soul - Family Enters and is Seated Congregational Song - Sing Hallelujah In a service for a known believer, it is easy to intermingle elements of the gospel in with the eulogythe personal remarks about the person. But Ive learned from visiting with families deep in fresh grief that taking on the burden of planning the funeral service without leaving much up to them can be very comforting. It is important to keep in mind that the memorial service is really not for the deceased, but for the living. The Funeral Prayer The Pillars of the Funeral Prayer. Receive our dear one into the glory of your presence to enjoy rest until that final day when you return to judge the living and the dead. Dignity Funerals Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 967130. In my 45 years of ministry, I have officiated many funerals of people where there were questions about their salvation. Then, share on how God made us for more than this life and how much He loves us. 7- Saying at-Tasleem. It is very appropriate for a funeral, as it asks God to give the mourners peace. 9 Purity of Spirit. Romans 10:9 promises that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.Although death is a solemn reminder, it also points us to the most wonderful, hope-filled message of all! the Irish border. I wasn't there with Tommy then and I am not here today to turn him into a believer. More than one mentioned that we dont necessarily know what an individual did in their final moments, and sometimes people made decisions the family doesnt know about. Proverbs 18.15. May you walk beside him/her in his/her journey to recovery, filling the void and emptiness with your presence. Father of Six - Blessed by God. A SERVICE OF COMMITTAL. 3. GM Standard I briefly present the gospel message, with a challenge to all are you ready for your funeral? At some point, I share another scripture that makes the hope and pathway to eternal life clear within the message. Second, we are there to comfort the grieving. How to perform funeral prayer in English. Below the following here Allah says in the Quran. We must give a clear message. First, the story of Lazarus reminds us that we need to take time to grieve. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. All of the major pastoral issues of the Prayer Book rites are addressed from the reception of the body to the In the midst of our natural sorrow, we thank you for your supernatural grace. In a service for a person who was not known to be a believer, there will still be a eulogy and a message, but the two may not be able to be interwoven.