CoronaVirus "Pandemic". This is serious business, particularly now that witchcraft has become the trendy subject modern-day fantasy novels, such as the Harry Potter books, and the TV programs Sabrina, Bewitched, Charmed, etc. 967 views, 19 likes, 8 loves, 6 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lillian McDermott's Radio Show: Because of the instability in the nation and the events on 1/6/21, our scheduled. Jews have no right to point the finger at anyone else for bigotry while they humiliate, mutilate and assassinate the Palestinians, and while the Jews hold as holy a book (the Talmud) that denigrates all non-Jews as beasts. or ANY OTHER VIRUSES! Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. Brilliantly Evil! Their agents are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. What Can I Do if I have Already been Tested Subscribe to The Realist Report today, and support pro-White independent media! Alternative Cancer Therapies 3,614 views Streamed live on Jan 14, 2021 Because of the instability in the nation and the events on 1/6/21, our scheduled teacher,. It doesnt matter! Karl Marx was a Jew. The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. The Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg Trials. The Jews are Destroyers! Reform: The liberal wing of Judaism, culture and race oriented with little concerns about doctrinal or religious beliefs. 107 Degrees in LA and NO ONE Can Get a Haircut, Covid is a HOAX, Jews Plan to Slaughter Gentiles, and the THIS is what is coming to America! Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. Other Zionist Jewish neo-cons include Paul Wolfowitz, now Chairman of the World Bank, Douglas Feith, formerly Undersecretary of Defense, Richard Perle, advisor to the Pentagon, and Dov Zakheim, former Comptroller of the Pentagon, on whose watch a Trillion dollars went missing. Exposing the Enemy! January 1, 2023 Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace. Judaism: The religion of the Pharisees the antithesis of Christianity: There are three main branches of Judaism; Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco Unfortunately, the CDC is primarily a propaganda tool for the emerging One World Government, to promote vaccinations and other harmful drugs, to protect political correctness rather than the health of the public (such as in the AIDS epidemic), to spread disinformation and frighten the public into taking harmful and ineffective vaccinations for NON-epidemics, to suppress the true methods of natural healing and instead promote drug medicine, and to cover up REAL health issues such as; Mad Cow disease, Aspartame (Nutra-sweet), and the deadly hazards of chemotherapy and radiation, etc. Other Books and Videos Are Doctors a Gift from God? That did NOT make Isaac Jewish.. The neo-conservatives are primarily Zionist Jews who have allegiance to Israel, and many of the most prominent neo-cons have dual citizenship: Israel and the U.S. William Kristol, whose father, Irving Kristol is a Trotskyite Communist is the Chairman. That same spirit that is being manifested by the Jews treatment of the Palestinians, AND by the American governments treatment of Iraqi and Afghanistani prisoners in Abu Ghraib and other torture prisons on foreign soil run by the U.S. government. Dr. Day's Media and Speaking Schedule, ORDERING INFORMATION For more information on this subject, see Judaisms Strange Gods by Michael A. Hoffman II. The Committee of 300, the 300 richest families in the world, looks to social convulsions on a global scale - followed by depressions, to decimate the economy of all nations, to keep Third World countries in abject poverty and to turn First World countries, such as the U.S.A., into Third World countries. Jesus vehemently denounced the teachings of the Pharisees, as well as the Pharisees themselves, and took His followers OUT OF the synagogues, the Organized Church of that day. A dense darkness is falling over America and the World. To watch the videos of the previous Bible Studies: Food is Power. Stress Success (5 CD Set) He doesn't love some more than others. That is why the Zionist Jews are stepping up their vengeful plan of intimidation and imprisonment of those who tell the truth. Covid-19 Scamdemic Senator Jacob K. Javits (Jewish) of New York, in an interview with American Christian magazine editor, Walter White. Pope John Paul II had a Jewish mother and a Jewish grandmother. .Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases,including Cancer and AIDSDr. Esau was the father of the Edomite nation and NO ONE considers the Edomites Jewish. How could Jacob be Jewish if his twin brother was NOT Jewish? What is the reason behind this incessant indoctrination? When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80s and early 90s, on the governments cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. We Are Ruled by Dangerous Psychopathic Morons! Jews LIE: Thats what they do! If one is not worshiping God, the Creator, then he is worshiping Satan, while holding the illusion that he is worshiping the earth and nature. Dont worry about the CoronaVirus! Amazing NEW Book by Dr. Lorraine Day That Contains CRITICAL Information on How She Got Well Who Rewrote the Bible? God will save them IN their sins. Very few people realize that the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust, what the revisionists refer to as the Holocaust Hoax, is the CENTERPIECE of the Zionist Jews Plan to destroy all nations, control the entire world, slaughter most of the population of the earth, and reduce the rest to slaves. The original medieval Order of Knights Templar was established after the First Crusade, and existed from approximately 1118 to 1312. ALL of the information written on this web site has been written by Lorraine Day, M.D., who is totally responsible for its content, with the exception of links to other documentation to support this web site information. I am a pacifist. Even the internet spokespersons are being compromised because of threats of violence and pressure on their advertisers by these same groups. Read how MUCH they want to KILL US! She strongly advocated the handling of the AIDS epidemic as a public health issue rather than a political issue, a position that was contrary and offensive to the controlled media. 12. 7.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, the rank and file Jews would assimilate into the population of the country where they reside, live a normal life like everyone else, and the Zionist Jews goal of World Control could never be attained. Very few, if any, Jews in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. It is Gods Plan of Salvation - - - but WITHOUT God. This book contains the biblical information Dr. Day learned in her "journey" to Knowing God and Getting Well from her severe, advanced cancer. I am not against Jews in general, but I am against ANYONE, Jew, Asian, White, Black, or Brown, who thinks that he or she is better than others because of his or her culture, race or social standing. tortured and persecuted even BEFORE World War II. Bird Flu HOAX In that case is he a Cultural Jew? She was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and had a lumpectomy of a small tumor. Total disarmament. The United Nations is in the hands of Jewish Zionists, for example: *The wife of the U.N. Secretary-General Koffi Annan, is a Jew, the niece of Raoul Wallenberg, a member of the industrialist and banking Wallenberg clan. The U.S. Government LIES to You CONSTANTLY Their unregenerate hearts are wicked and they want everything for themselves. Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! Yet Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. Swine Flu HOAX In other words, if the defendant is accused by the State of lying and the defendant can prove that he has, indeed, told the TRUTH, he is exonerated he is NOT guilty. Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. But Man says that the lower levels of humanity, the goyim, are indeed, all equal. The terms Judeans (incorrectly translated Jews) and Gentiles (nations) used in the Bible, are not terms of ethnicity, they referred respectively to those who were either believers in the true God, or unbelievers.. Since this revelation appeared in his book, the plaque at Auschwitz has been changed, DECREASING BY ALMOST 3 MILLION, the number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz during World War II. so you can be given access to each Bible study. So, while claiming to be anti-Zionism, they are unknowingly and unwittingly supporting the centerpiece of Zionism, the very cause they profess to abhor! The Communists have owned the Democratic Party for years. Its agenda is to enrich its members at the expense of the human rights of the people, promote and condone environmental degradation worldwide solely for profit, remove all traces of national sovereignty from every nation, and create a One World Government. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Jewish Illuminati DOES! It was through her experience of speaking out regarding the AIDS epidemic, in addition to her personal struggle with life-threatening cancer, that she learned of the extensive cover-up of truth in politics, medicine and even religion. New World Order: There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility (Black meaning those who have usurped the throne) of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist/communist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Click Here. The United States is a colony of Israel. Who is Responsible for ALL Wars? This Truth, coming from the Auschwitz Camp curator himself, is reaching the general population causing increasing investigation into these crucial events. Super Starter Package ALLOWED to Criticize. Many Jews claim to be anti-Zionism, but most, if not all, of these same Jews believe in the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust which is the CENTERPIECE of Zionism! Dr. Day will teach us about The Plan and the Good News About God! The ancient Celtic Druids who practiced witchcraft were involved in casting evil spells as well as offering human sacrifices. The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. General Albert Pike, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, USA, One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature. This web site attacks the Lies, and NOT the person. You have Cancer Because you are sick! * Christian Zionism is the Second Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. God created All persons equal. In the 2000s, she started to promote an alternative cancer treatment program, which has . Monday Evenings If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL? Their Jesuit Oath demands the initiate to lie, steal or murder, without hesitation, if ordered to do so by his superior. As experts and advisers, they mould government policy to further the secret plans of their masters. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers will be destined to a horribly painful, premature death in lands filled with tons of deadly, depleted uranium, purposely and knowingly placed there by Israeli-backed U.S. military leaders. In addition, the Bible tells us that the group that left Egypt was a mixed multitude (Exodus 12:38), meaning there were some Egyptians and other nationalities among them. More Information on the HOAX Pandemic, Doesn't Everyone Die Sometime? * Jewish Zionism is the First Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. Open Your Eyes However, the Neturei Karta is an organization of Jewish Rabbis whose holiest book is the Talmud a book that is the absolute origin of Zionism, Communism, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Gentile hate propaganda, and the total control of the entire world! Lorraine Day, like most false teachers, works a particularly deceptive mixture of Truth and falsehood. They much prefer that the rank and file Jews risk their lives in Israel so the BIG BOYS can own the world! They are One and the Same! During the Spanish Inquisition, the Jews were threatened by the Catholic Church, Convert or be killed. So the leaders of International Jewry advised the Jews to appear to convert, but in reality, join infiltrate - and take over from the inside, the structure of the Catholic Church. That did NOT make his sons Jewish. Then the whole family moved down to Egypt which certainly did NOT make them Jewish. The whole group stayed in Egypt for 400 years while their numbers grew, but there is no evidence that they mystically became Jewish while living in Egypt! discusses. If one was an atheist or worshiped pagan gods, he was termed as one of the nations or an Unbeliever.. But now mainline Christian Churches are embracing this error, and the Bible predicts that the whole world will follow after the Beast. (Revelation 13:3). Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. Instead of countering this forensic evidence that refutes the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust with hard evidence supporting their views, the Zionist Jews respond with insults, smears, more arrests, assassinations, non-stop propaganda campaigns, and rapidly multiplying Holocaust museums. 9. The media and all the Jewish organizations, including the Jewish ACLU and Jewish Hollywood, spew hatred continually against Christianity yet they scream Anti-Semitism when anyone says something that offends the Jews, even when that something can be proved in a Court of Law to be TRUE! The believers or worshipers of the one true God, were called Iudeans or Judeans, often improperly translated Jews, as opposed to the nations or unbelievers who worshiped many different gods. Project for a New American Century (PNAC): A neo-conservative think-tank that promotes total world domination through the use of force. Those who direct the Illuminati are against Christ and in favor of Satan. And there is much evidence to support this. This decrease of almost 3 million, straight from the mouth of the Auschwitz Camp Curator, should reduce by HALF, the total of 6 million supposedly killed in the Holocaust. We should no longer hear about the 6 million. If any number is used by the Jews, it should be 3 million. Documentary exposing Vaccines and Autism. Germs DONT Cause Disease Don't worry about the CoronaVirus! The rank and file Jews do not understand the true goal of Zionism. Hillary Clinton Admits that the CFR runs this nation - video. The word Israelite has no relationship to the word Israeli which describes those who presently live in the state of Israel. In a regular Court of Law, a) the defendant is innocent until proven guilty, b) the defendant is allowed to know the charges against him, c) the defendant has the right to face his accuser, d) the defendants attorney has the right to cross-examine the witness/accuser, and e) TRUTH is a defense. Unfortunately, this type of torture is now becoming common in U.S. prisons on U.S. soil, many of which are owned by a company called Wackenhut, a company owned and run by former CIA personnel. We use it to change behavior. This is a Satanic Ritual Initiation into the New World Order. Their primary goal is to form a One World Government, destroying all religions and national governments in the process. On the other hand, there are some Jews who believe they are better than other ethnic groups, just as some whites, Asians, and others may believe they are superior. Dr. Day discusses the use of Hydroxychloroquine. I believe that being a Truth-teller is more important than preserving one's own life. There are Truth-tellers (on specific topics) found in all groups: Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, and in many other groups. In today's show originally broadcast on January 10 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, "You Can't Improve On God - The Book". FRAUDULENT idea of Freemasonry: Freemasonry is a world-wide secret society masquerading as a benign fraternal brotherhood organized for the purpose of doing good. The lower level members believe that those belonging to the craft actually worship the God of the Bible. Even though it has a website on the internet and appears open and obvious, it is a part of the clandestine One World Government plan to rule the world. They always remain in the dark, behind the scenes, unidentified, and generally unsuspected. Judaism is a chameleon culture/religion. (See Talmud below). But there IS a way out of the trouble, and that information is available on this website. Human Rights Tribunals are operational in Canada and Germany, and are completely controlled by the Zionist Jews. Keep in mind that they have a sanitized version available for non-Jews. She refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because of their destructive side effects and chose to use natural methods to rebuild her immune system and regain her health. Will My Body Heal Itself? Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. Subsequently Israel doubled the amount of territory it controlled by means of its illegal occupation of the West Bank in the 1967 and 1973 wars. The polices which are espoused and proclaimed by Pope John Paul II, and the present Pope Benedict, are as follows: 1. The Great Reset is about Population Extermination! ABOUT EVERYTHING! This is just one of many viruses that the Illuminati can pull out of their hat: SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, MERS, Zika, Ebola! Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed. or Vaccinated? The North American Union has just been signed into existence by Biden: Wicca and Witchcraft: Wicca and witchcraft are interchangeable terms. In today's show originally broadcast on April 12 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, "Cognitive Dissonance In Politics, Religion, And Medicine." . Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression Universal Restoration vs Universalism: The Doctrine of Universal Restoration states that eventually God will save everyone but only after they have reaped what they have sown. Anti-Christianity: A term that is all but absent from the vocabulary of the population even though it is being practiced daily all over the world, including in America. Shem was one of the sons of Noah). From Genesis to Revelation The Jewish Agenda for Genociding the White Race, So, What IS the Great Legacy of Queen Elizabeth. What Does it Take to Get Well? Communism is mans feeble attempt to bring that about. May Day swiftly come to realize her error and unequivocally repent of it before all. Just as they have encouraged illegal Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, so they will encourage illegal Jewish settlements in these other countries, as soon as enough American men and women have tragically died, securing these lands for Israel. Double Blind For thirty years, Dr. Day, who was raised in the Christian church, had been an agnostic but when confronted with what was diagnosed as terminal cancer, she knew she needed more help than human knowledge could offer. It determines who will become rulers, and removes from power those it dislikes. So the great debate about Who runs the New World Order, the Jesuits of the Catholic Church or the Jews, doesnt need to take place? View his picture and you decide. It is advertised as the organization that assists governments in improving national health services and in establishing worldwide standards for foods, chemicals, and biological and pharmaceutical products. Living in the desert did NOT make them Jewish.. The rank and file Jews have been CONNED by their own self-proclaimed Zionist Jewish leaders! Arabs are of Semitic origin and the majority of Jews appear to hate the Arabs, at least in Israel. Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: From Covid to Communism Satanic Communist Jews Have Taken Over America Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! As an orthopedic trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital during the beginning, and rapidly escalating, AIDS epidemic, Dr. Day arguably operated on more AIDS patients than any other doctor in the country. This, of course, is wrong, no matter what group one belongs to. Contacting Dr. Day Even the Truth-tellers are Embracing the Lies, Looks Like Almost Everyone is Controlled Opposition, The WHO Plans for 10 years of Pandemics: From 2020 - 2030. And thrive there? They will sacrifice Jews as easily as they will sacrifice non-Jews - if it serves their purpose. . The Bible translators have mistranslated the word nations , a term that refers to the people who did not know the one true God of the Bible, by using the word, Gentiles. Going on in the World. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spider web of elite conspirators, including the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Committee of 300, to name a few. Throwing Away Your Deceased Loved Ones - Like Garbage! The rank and file Jews are being used by their Jewish leaders as throw-away pawns in a big-stakes game for control of the world. Interview with Dr. Day on Israeli News Live. The brand of Christianity taught to these Christians rarely leads to the development of strength of character, a strength that can withstand serious persecution. Anti-Zionist Jews? (See below Project for a New American Century.) Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. You Can't Improve Upon God Is the War Between Ukraine and Russia REAL or FAKE? On the other hand, the Doctrine of Universalism states that God will save everyone, no matter how they behave. Telling More Truth: Exposing More Lies Calls for nations to trust the United Nations. But Americans and others around the world need to know the truth. Virology: There is NO EVIDENCE of the Polio virus, If anyone believes in the Talmud, they are, by definition, a Zionist, no matter what they pretend to be! The new international economic Order (world government). What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan? When they are testing you, they are vaccinating you! If there is so much anti-Semitism, oppression, and persecution of Jews in all these countries, why do the BIG Jews live there? No person is better than any other person. That is why the Zionist Jews are kidnapping and illegally imprisoning anyone who questions the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, including Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolph, David Irving, Siegfried Verbeke, and others. . But their attempts were unsuccessful. Lorraine Day, M.D., would like you to believe that she has discovered the answer to cancer and that her experience as a patient qualifies her to give advice about cancer. Its a feel-good religion. This web site exposes the Lies, irrespective of the person who tells them. They both refer to a pagan, earth-centered religion. Who is Israel?), This false doctrine of the Evangelicals, called Dispensationalism, originated primarily from the Scofield Bible. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD, used to brand anyone who brings criticism against us. Harold W. Rosenthal (Jewish), administrative assistant for then-U.S. MUST WATCH! Social Distancing is a Scam perpetrated by the However, in a Human Rights Tribunal, the defendant, in actuality, has NO rights: a) he must somehow prove his innocence, rather than being presumed innocent until proven guilty by the State, b) secret witnesses are allowed to give secret testimony and the defendant has no right to know the charges against him. From there, the One World Religion will preach that God and Jesus Christ do not exist, a religion of Secular Humanism - atheism. But as noted above, the leaders of the coming One World Government KNOW that humanity has a need to worship.