Mal returns in the animated short series Descendants: Wicked World, voiced by Dove Cameron who also portrayed her in the live-action film. Power enough to rule the Isle, power enough to bring the barrier crashing down, power enough to smite Auradon and every one of its pathetic little goody, goody princes and princesses to ash. Knowing the situation is dire, Ben lets them go. Hurt/Comfort but not exactly Mal and Hades have a long overdue discussion on Hades abandonment. She doesn't always do well in school, except for Advance Evil Schemes and Nasty Tricks, taught by Lady Tremaine. Juni 22, 2022 Mal has to worry about visiting all the kingdoms and learning about their different cultures in preparation for her future as Lady of the Court. After reluctantly giving up, Mal asks if Evie ever missed being evil and carefree, but Evie says she is content with her new life in Auradon and does not wish to return to the Isle of the Lost. The VKs have dinner at their hideout, grateful for Evie packing food and other luxuries from Auradon. In the sequel novel, Mal has adapted fairly well into life in Auradon. A week later, before the VKs and Ben head over to retrieve the recruits, Ben proposes to Mal in front of Auradon Prep and she happily accepts. All done! Evie chimed, adding an annoyed no thanks to you, under her breath. Mal takes charge of carrying out her mother's evil plan to steal the Fairy Godmother's magic wand and enjoys drawing and casting spells (but only if needed). Luca: Luca Alberto She also wears a single purple fingerless glove. She is also the protagonist of Descendants: Wicked World. As the movie . A week later, before the VK's and Ben headed over to retrieve the recruits, Ben proposes to Mal in front of Auradon Prep and she happily accepts. Mal and Audrey exchange awkward looks before Audrey takes Ben away. A/N: I do not own anything other than my OCs when they come out to play. Jay and Carlos are in the Tourney team, and Evie is asked out by Chad Charming. Her school dress is a turquoise dress with a pale blue ribbon at the waist, gold and turquoise ribbons. First published Aug 04, 2019. Ratatouille: Remy Anton Ego She then concocts a plan to sneak back onto the island by attending the Castlecoming ball then sneaking out with a limousine containing the button to open the island's barrier. Work Search: She then places it in Ben's hand and closed it into a fist. It wasnt that he had anything against babies. Ben apologizes to her about their fight, saying it was all his fault and begs Mal to come home while lifting up her ring to her. But, when she goes to AuradonTheir politics are not right. He looked at me and was stunned. She feeds him an hors d'oeuvre which Ben remarks is the best thing in the world. Mal begins feeling conflicted about her evil plans due to her growing romantic feelings for Ben and sings a song ("If Only"). Mal has something secret. Where Goodness Doesn't Get Any Better!" He [the Devil] complained in no way of the evil reputation under which he lived, indeed, all over the world, and he assured me that he himself was of all living beings the most interested in the destruction of Superstition, and he avowed to me that he had been afraid, relatively as to his proper power, once only, and that was on the day when he had heard a preacher, more subtle than the rest of the human herd, cry in his pulpit: 'My dear brethren, do not ever forget, when you hear the progress of lights praised, that the loveliest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that he does not exist', - from a short story by the French poet Charles Baudelaire entitled "The Generous Gambler" (1864). Mal successfully puts the guard into a deep sleep, and they go look for the wand. When Ben doesn't resurface from the water, Mal grows worried and attempts to save him despite not being able to swim; Ben saves her, albeit a bit confused. Mal speaks up, asking if Harry still runs errands for Uma or if he gets to keep what he steals. it gets faintly steamy near the end AHAHA. Ben is the only person who sees through Mal's act (including herself), and saw her for who she was - a good person. She tells them that she heard Uma's voice in Hades' lair, but is met with disbelief as no-one can get through the barrier after it was strengthened after Uma's escape the last time. Two girls aren't soulmates, they can't change their current history, even if they are, even if they can, even if they will. She explains that Diablo brought the scepter back and that he told her that Mal stopped Evie from touching it, lamenting furiously that sometimes Mal is such a disappointment. The next day, Mal guilt-trips Ben into eating the cookie by implying that he doesn't trust a treat offered by a VK if he refuses. For her Ultimate Project she chose to humiliate Evie in which she fails to do. They give Celia the leftovers and send her on her way; Celia is not that concerned, as she did deliver her warning to them. Not that Hades and Maleficent didnt try, again and again and again, failure after failure, but despite their great power they couldnt bring the barrier down. With lungs like a bellows that were currently shattering his ear drums, truly Hades wasnt sure how he hadnt gone deaf. At night, the two girls enter Jay and Carlos De Vil's dorm room while Jay and Carlos were playing video games and enjoying it, they almost forgot what they were here for until Mal tells them that it is their one chance to prove themselves to their parents that they are evil. It's a what-if kind of movie, like what if Peter and Alice were siblings and so on. In the Library, she then tells Ben about putting a fake nose on Pin. At the very beginning, Mal pushed her mother, Maleficent, to banish Evie and the Evil Queen to the Castle-Across-the-Way, which is described as more of a cave than a castle. Six months later, Mal is struggling with her new life in Auradon, despite gaining her newfound celebrity status. "Come on Mal." He awkwardly says hi, and then tells Carlos that he just wanted to use his 3D printer. Scratch that last part, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover freaked out. Percy and I shared a look. While on the date, they find they have some things in common, such as embarrassing middle names, and the status of their parents; Ben explains that while he has the "poster parents for goodness" and her mother is Mistress of Evil, they're not automatically like them as they get to choose who they get to be. They enter a room, which contains statues of their parents; Mal stays behind, having a vision of her mother encouraging her to go through with the plan to steal the wand ("Evil Like Me"). When Evie questions her about it, Mal explains that she feels it would be too cruel to let Ben remain in love with her after they accomplish their mission and the villains have invaded Auradon. Evil spells, stealing, and breaking the rules comes naturally to them, it's not really their fault, it's how they were raised! Dumbo: Dumbo Timothy Mouse She apologizes to Jane, saying that she will take Jane later. For a moment everyone froze, the goblin henchmen shaking with fear until suddenly the high, strident wails of a newborn could be heard through the thick bedroom door. Faery births were always particularly hard, or so he had heard, and he certainly didnt want to make things worse. "Who is it?" The very best of the Isles supplies were commandeered for the wedding feast, which really wasnt saying much. I've changed so much since I came to Auradon. Dude then starts to talk, much to Carlos's and Mal's surprise and disbelief, remarking that the gummy was "nasty." Ben suggested. Mal is the only one of her friends not to be tempted by an enchanted item that belonged to their parents, as her heart was filled with love and friendship. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They immediately spot Celia, who had been listening in on the conversation in the headmaster's office; the other VKs leave to spread the word, while Evie gets her fortune told by Celia. After the talk, Evie told her that her dress will be there if she wants it and Jay asked Mal that if she can't stand one more day there he would drive her back himself, before leaving her alone. Tinker Bell: Silvermist Iridessa, Darkwing Duck: Darkwing Duck Extended Play: The Party Starts Now! Maligna is a wordplay for "malign". hypnosis and the brain. Evie asked. On their way out, they encounter Ben's royal carriage, and Mal explains everything. You will grab the wand, Evie will find the limo that got us here, Carlos will nock out the driver, I'll signal you, and we go back to the Isle." Mal tries to refuse to cooperate, but Jane needs to get this stuff done, so she interrupts and starts listing more items. She is still the one with the most common sense amongst them, as she knew using the talismans (even for a good cause) would cause items to corrupt them. I'm toast I thought to my self. Ben needs to select four villain kids for his pilot program. Once back on the island, Mal and her friends meet the Anti-Heroes Club, a group of teen villains wanting to turn good. Mal befriends Jane, Fairy Godmother's daughter, to get the wand; she preys on Jane's insecurities and makes her think that she can only be beautiful with the new hairstyle Mal creates using her magic. Fairy Godmother (Disney) One year ago Evie, Jay, and Mal left for Auradon. Hades watched his daughter take a deep breath before walking into the chapel. "YOU! (It takes a lot). He was too busy focusing on the miniscule curve of her fingernails, the wee button of her nose and the shocking deep purple and blue of her little tuft of hair. Mal's main color is purple, symbolizing power, which is a recurring theme with her mother Maleficent. After Jay, Carlos, and Evie explained what happened, Mal scolds them for bring Ben along and allowing him to be captured. Some assembly required. With friendship and love, Mal ended filling the hole in her heart that could not be satisfied through what her mother had taught her. The reason for this is that she was not invited to Evie's sixth birthday party, where the other children received the villain's pets' descendants as gifts. Hearing her mother's subtle message, Mal tells her friends that they're all goners if they don't succeed. Mal, who also does not know who the queen was, explains that she's a transfer student before Audrey walks up to greet Queen Leah. As ambassadors for the Isle of the Lost and the first foray into an emancipation edict, the four come to the United Kingdoms of Auradon on the European continent under the supervision of Grand Princess Belle, the headmistress of the Royal Preparatory Academy in her husband's kingdom of Gascaine. Mal is struggling with her new celebrity life as the girlfriend of King Ben. Jay flirts with some girls and Carlos asks why he hasn't picked anyone to bring to the Cotillion already, which he responds that he's going solo so that he can dance with all of them. ", "Wha" then realization took over her face. Television: Cartoon shorts We Wish You A Merry Walrus Monster Beach Party Halloween Panic! She tells him that she can't do this and that Ben should leave. In the prequel book, it is revealed she had a dream set near the Enchanted Lake, where Ben and Mal eventually go to on their date. She then narrates: "You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?" It is only a question we must ask ourselves this, Father. Hocus Pocus: Winifred Sanderson Mary Sanderson Sarah Sanderson Binx Billy Butcherson Young Winifred The Book She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves. She looks at him telling him that she bets that he couldn't hurt her without her permission. That's the way it is and that's the way it always will be, that's the rules of life. True there had been that nasty business with his nephew, but that had never been about the kid. Mal's friends run up behind her, ready to leave and open the barrier. Maleficent is cruel at having Mal start walking. His wifes theory wasnt bad per se. But Hades wasn't going to let her have her wicked way, not with his little girl in the crossfire, so he followed her to Ben's coronation. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, after Ben leaves and prepares to head back, he is captured by Uma, who then gives the group a choice: give her the Fairy Godmother's wand or Ben dies. Mulan: Mulan Mushu Cri-Kee Ping Shan Yu Li Shang The Emperor She mostly wears purple and shades of green during the movie. Ben reveals that he has been free of the spell since their first date, thanks to the Enchanted Lake washing away the spell. In the prelude novel, Mal is introduced as the daughter of Maleficent, the worst of the villains. illinois lottery pick 3 number. "Let's get off the topic of names, shall we?" kisha e shen palit en rochester. Chapter 3: You Know This Part of the Story, Chapter 7: Making A Love Spell To Make Ben Fall In Love With Me, Chapter 11: Family Day With Demigods, Saytrs, Gods, and Parent's Sworn Enemies, Chapter 15: Disappointment At The Grand Canyon, Chapter 16: I Try To Uncover Jason's Memories, Chapter 17: I Think That Uncle Zeus Would Kill Me, Chapter 18: Mortals Are Going To Camp Half-Blood, Chapter 22: FYI, This Is From Ben's Point Of View, Chapter 23: It's Back To Mac's Point Of View, Chapter 25: This Is Ben Writing, And I'm Not That Gullible. Sharing with her, the VKs are warned by Celia that the fortune that she predicted - disaster - is coming to fruition. After learning that magic is discouraged and regulated, the villain kids ask about embezzlement, poison and revenge; however, these are not allowed in Auradon. Mal then is shown walking through school with Evie, Jay, and Carlos. She longs to go back to the Isle, where she was carefree and always wreaking havoc. Beast said. "Dad showed us the portal you made, Dark Fairy." She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves. It was Evie. You've all heard my story, how I defeated my mother and saved all of Auradon, but you don't know the real story. The TV goes on to talk about the days until the Cotillion when Mal would officially be a Lady of the Court. Mal returns in the animated short series Descendants: Wicked World, voiced by Dove Cameron who also portrayed her in the live-action film. She has multiple layered chains and belts around her waist, purple pants, and purple studded boots with purple and green colored heels. Mal returns to hers and Evie's room dressed in her VK outfit. Sleeping Beauty: Aurora Prince Phillip Maleficent Flora Fauna Merryweather Winter Aurora Dragon Maleficent Briar Rose Peridot Maleficent He then walks towards the entrance, sweeping the counter with his arm, sending multiple objects flying to the ground. I also curled my hair and put on makeup, black eyeshadow with cherry red lipgloss. Based on writing prompt 503 of @writing.prompt.s "With no other choice left, you summon the devil. Just don't hold anything out on me." In Under The Sea: A Descendants Story, her wardrobe is now a purple shirt with multiple golden studs. In a world where life on the Isle is harsher and darker, Mal's journey to Auradon is different. (Disney Descendants - Sky High crossover) based on the world of Descendants: Family Business] Long ago, the daughter of Hades, Lord of the Underworld, was abducted from the Isle of the Lost. Mal still vows to make Maleficent proud of her, and joins forces with the three villain kids, now much closer to all of them than before, and begin a raid on the town, kicking off the events of the movie. Brave: Merida Young Merida Big Hero 6: Hiro Hamada Baymax He assumes that Mal had spelled him because she had a crush on him and he had been in a relationship with Audrey at the time. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Mal lets out a gasp of surprise and whirls around. By Descendants 2, this is shown to be a latent indication of her growing powers as by the end she has awoken the ability to transform into a dragon. The Oracle speaks and the hero must go. When Ben looks into her locker, he sees her spell book, and asks her if she is going to donate it to the museum. Both Ben and Mal return to the ship, Mal transforms back into herself, but in the dress, she's wearing in the glass painting. (And when there's handsome princes, Tourney matches, puppies, and spontaneous musical numbers galore, who can really blame them?). However, her good intentions often backfire, resulting in a lot of people sending online posts about her mishaps, promoting everyone to think she's still up to her old ways. Since . Using her fire breathe, Mal manages to reignite the Ember and defeats Audrey, who falls under a deep sleep. Mal is a sneaky, smart, ruthless girl who was raised to be a leader. Hey Mali By: BlueApocalypse25. She gives the four a task to steal the Fairy Godmother's wand, and hands over her spellbook to Mal. Clearly Zeus had spoiled the little bastard rotten, Hades would never spoil his kid. There, they are taught alongside the future monarchs and scions of the United Kingdoms, and seek to figure out whether they want to follow in their parent's footsteps, follow a new path, or try and toe the line of the moral grey area.