The Louds were frozen. Rita: He has to stay in bed, because he is sick. Lori: Ugh! This story idea evolved from many different thoughts, such as whether or not having it where Lincoln leaves town, where he goes, and if he meets anyone during his travels. Lynn: I know, I feel really bad for you Lincoln! -This is our group of monkeys, and our gorilla Daisy, said Mr. Palmer. Lincoln: Y'know, all that fun made me think there's something I forgot to do. Lincoln continued to partake with Skip in their primate act, and even joined in with Bongo during his and Skip's act, where Bongo balances on a beach ball, while Skip and Lincoln toss him spheres for Bongo to juggle. What if he wishes he only had nine sisters instead of ten?! Lori: I've done literally everything for him, and he still hasn't even forgiven me! Lincoln: (rises from his bed) I don't feel so good. Afterwards the clowns went out to perform, and they were doing a routine involving working at a diner. Albert asks Lincoln if can he really hate his own family forever. Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Lincoln is moved back into the house, all his things are back where they belong, and most of the family have made peace with him; however, Lynn Jr. still makes him wear the squirrel suit to her games to bring her luck. However, he accidentally bumps his head on the desk, which causes Lori's phone to fly off and onto the floor, breaking it). You'll have the best seats in the house.. Now, he'll learn that being in an Interracial family, his family will love him no matter what. Lincoln was behind the curtain, as he and the Palmers were about to go on to do their primate act. -WHERE IS HE? said all of the sisters, as they all came up to the door. Lincoln purchased some popcorn, soda, and cotton candy, and went to take his seat as the ringmaster stepped out to introduce the show. En esta historia estar subiendo lemons de cualquier serie o creepypasta que pidan, habr lemons normales, hasta los mas raros, lo mismo va para los ships, desde los ships mas conocidos hasta los ships mas raros, espero y los disfruten. You're right! The following morning Lincoln got off, after a whole night of traveling on the bus. (Lynn and Lucy walked outside the room, where Lynn Sr. and Rita are standing). Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. -This is awesome. AND YOU BROKE IT! -Come to The Rolan Circus with our special guest for tonight only LINCOLN LOUD?, said Clyde. Im looking for someone who would like to take on an online script role play for fun based off the 2021 Netflix movie, The Loud House movie. -No, I'm an orphan, and I don't have a home. So you can stop by, and pick him up first thing in the morning, said the first cop. (Lori hugged her brother again, but much gentler than before). -An eccentric bunch, but very kind nonetheless, said Lisa, with the rest of the sisters all agreeing with her. You make circus life sound better and better, said Lincoln. Suddenly, Lori pushes Lincoln off the couch and takes the TV). After the show Lincoln was so fascinated by the circus, that he stuck around the place afterwards. Lincoln: Can I play with Clyde on Friday and have a sleepover? Lincoln was just walking around the circus tents, and wondering what life in the circus would be like. I originally didn't have much interest in writing fan fiction, and this was originally going to be my last. -Don't you have a home and a family? asked the man from the primate act. You and your jokes are getting pretty wild at this moment. WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! -Let me handle this girls, said Lynn Sr., What this needs is a little father-son time.. -I've never seen anyone adapt so well to a circus act in all my life, said Mr. Rolan. (freaks out) W-W-What do I do?! One of the issues I always had with The Loud House was that I always found Lori to be a very bossy and disrespectful character most of the time, hence why she's easily my least favorite sister. He came across one, and went into the office. Eventually the tentacles got a hold of the Several other students were wounded. -Those monkeys are very impressive, said Lisa. While the original version was discontinued and eventually deleted, a republished version was started on September 02, 2021 by Monsterzilla. As the show approached, a number of people showed up to attend the circus, especially once word got out Lincoln was in the show. Leni, Lucy and Lisa are the only ones not fighting while watching and Leni deciding to speak up. Leni: Yeah! You're probably wondering why I'm upset. When Lincoln comes back home, I'm going to do everything I can to help Lincoln get better, then maybe he will forgive me. Lincoln turned towards his family, Lincoln: (angry), I don't want to see, or talk to any of you, and with that, he turned around, and headed upstairs, as his entire family sat there completely speechless. -This is Bongo, said Skip as he brought over one of the monkeys on his shoulder. (Later, Luna is playing a sad song on her guitar thinking about Lincoln. I never came to this realization, until weeks into planning this. Lisa comes into Lincoln's room with the flaslight. Before he could hit the ground, Lori quickly ran in and caught him). (to Lincoln) You've really done it this time, twerp! ! cried out the entire Loud Family. I need something. Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. Lincoln: (softly smiled) I forgive you, Lori. Doctor: (walks inside the room) Okay girls, time to give him some space. Again with this? I found this in one of my bags, its a picture of me with my parents and sisters, said Lincoln, as he showed them his family picture. Rita: I think you may need a cup of hot chicken noodle soup. Meanwhile, out in town there were fliers being placed about the circus, and Clyde came across one of them. Anything new, today? Lincoln is Done is a fanfiction of The Loud House that has become somewhat controversial due to its characterisation problems and use of the Fandom-Specific Plot of Lincoln running away. Then, the others came back home). He even skips lunch to avoid vomit later. -Thanks, but I'm just a newbie here. Check, Socks? What am I doing? -I love all of you to, said Lincoln, as he and his family all engaged in one last group hug. -Thank you so much for your help, said Rita to the two police officers, as they left to continue the search. Is Lincoln okay?! Leni: Then I'll find him, I'll capture him, and no one will ever die again, (Luna & Lola started applauding over Leni's speech), (Lori enters the room and sees everyone and Lincoln's dead body). Lincoln: I-I'm sorry Lori! -Okay Lincoln we have to go, said Lynn Sr. Lincoln walked with his family and got into Vanzilla, as they prepared to go home. It took me about three months to get this story finished, and I wanted to make it as special as I possibly could. My forty-second fanfiction, and sequel to the infamous Season 2 episode, "Brawl in the Family". (It then cuts to another flashback, where Lincoln is taking out the garbage), (Suddenly, a broomstick falls into his hands). (voice breaks) And all the things I accidentally did to your things?! Lori walks past and hears the song), (Luna then suddenly puts her guitar away and reads a music book, facing away from Lori. -Lincoln! they all shouted, as they rushed over to him. Well, here's my 7th fanfic. Wow! 56 parts. Loan is the incestuous daughter of Lori and Lincoln, she doesn't know it yet and believes that Bobby Jr. is her father, what will happen when she discovers her origins? All right folks, that's all for now. Goodnight Royal Woods Michigan! announced Mr. Rolan, as the show drew to an end. After that Bongo went into his solo act with Skip and Lincoln, with Bongo balancing on a beach ball, and Skip and Lincoln throwing spheres for him to juggle. -Awful lot of bags there kid, said the ticket guy. Sometimes life can be hectic like a circus, but they're still family. Completed theloudhouse love klynn +1 more # 17 Pokemon: The Loudest Ranger by Hollowhunter2 10.1K 333 13 Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. It's great to meet you Lincoln.. -Don't lose hope guys, Lincoln is out there somewhere. Lola, Luna, Leni & Lori: Lincoln is Dead? They're actually funny, said Lola. -Oh man this guy is AWESOME, said Lana. *cough* *cough* *sneeze*. -Hey Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan, may I please speak with you for a moment?. Afterwards came the horse show which also went well with the crowd, especially Lana who was impressed with all the horse and rope tricks. -You've always been good to me Lily, said Lincoln, as he lay Lily down into her crib. Lincoln: THATS IT! as his sisters and parents all stopped, and were stunned to hear Lincoln sound so angry. After he was done packing he remembered how he would have to go back downstairs through the front door to leave the house, and this upset him. That night, Lincoln was sleeping in bed, feeling a little cold. Pfft, I can do that, said Lynn, as her sisters rolled there eyes. -You're the one who's always so mean to him, said Lola, -Look who's talking little miss prima donna, retorted Lori. -Nice to meet you to sir, said Lincoln, somewhat weirded out. (Lincoln goes into Lori and Leni's room, keeping an eye out for Lori). Lincoln: I do not feel well. (Yes, NSL, STFU). (All of the girls are eating breakfast in the kitchen, when they suddenly hear the van pulling up in the driveway. -Hurry, hurry, hurry ladies and gentlemen, announced the ticket guy, as everyone approached to purchase tickets for the show. Afterwards the Loud family took to the streets, and went out to search for Lincoln. No vulgar language. This is Episode Fanfiction Careful or Careless. Believe it or not, but I feel teary eyed every time I re-read the part where Lincoln has his goodbye scene with the circus. Only a few sips and Lynch immediately starts coughing before keeling over dead. It's just a mix of everything he could find in the house that can (somewhat) save him from some bruises, like Lynn's football helmet, kitchen gloves, bubble wrap, and some thick jacket. They are a family consisting of two parents, Rita and Lynn Sr., and ten (yes, TEN) daughters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and finally, Lily. Nothing would make me happier to be in my hometown again, said Lincoln. Loud to Mr. Rolan while shaking his hand. -It's been so great being with you guys, and I've learned so much about how family is important. Have you guys ever seen Lincoln so angry before? asked Lynn. -We can't believe what an amazing show you put on for us Lincoln, said Lynn Sr. very proudly, but anyway, I believe it's time to go now son.. Loudcest (The Loud House) Summary. -This is all your fault! shouted Lola towards Lori. No wonder Lincoln ran away, said Leni. I don't care about all those things, and I don't even care about my phone. Give it up for our fabulous trained monkeys.. -You really have given our act more appeal, and it's great for Daisy to have such a nice new friend, said Mrs. Palmer. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. Bongo and Daisy also came out to give Lincoln a farewell hug. -Yeah! But because of this, he could manage his crankiness. The Louds were watching the festivities of the circus. The rest of the girls all nodded, and Leni's words gave them all hope. -What happened? asked all of the sisters in unison. Simon Lynch's boss wanted him dead after Lincoln was shot: he hoped his mole Aaron could get the job done before the police would arrest and interrogate Lynch, but Aaron was too late for that. The girls all rush to the window, and see Lynn Sr. and Rita wheeling Lincoln outside the van), (All the sisters run outside, with Lori being the last one to walk out.
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